Cal Poly SLO Art + Design Portfolio Invitation

Has anyone yet received invitation to submit portfolio? I think it was around the third week in January when invitations were received.

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My daughter got hers a couple days ago.

How was the invitation sent?
Did anyone else get an invite? My son is checking his email daily.
Thanks for sharing…

She got an email.

any idea when decisions are coming out for art + design? please let us know when you’ve heard anything (will of course do the same)

I don’t have any idea when art + design notifications will go out, but will not be surprised if they are amongst the last.

I just went back and looked at last years board and, if I’m interpreting correctly, at least one architecture student didn’t get his admission until March 28. Arch students also submit portfolios so that may be an indication of how long anyone who has had to submit a portfolio might have to wait.

Any updates on acceptance?

Nope. Still says: No determination has been made at this time.

no updates for my son as well. #keepdafaith

Reading some of the other forums on here, it seems some kids received notifications tonight. My daughter is an art and design major and submitted her portfolio on Feb 20. This is an agonizing wait! Has anyone heard back after submitting their art portfolio?

My daughter hasn’t heard yet.

We are still waiting as well. I haven’t heard of any admits or rejections yet.

Any bets for a date this week?

I hate to say that I read in previous years it was in the final days of March ~28th’ish for other majors that required portfolios

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On Friday someone said here that the admissions office said they would release all results within five days. Don’t know if that’s calendar days or business days, but I assume it’ll be this week. I had looked at last years’ results and I noticed that one of the arch students didn’t hear till, I think, 3/28.

We got an acceptance today! Art and design, studio art concentration. Good luck everyone, hope you hear soon too. Now it’s decision time between UC Davis and CalPoly. Any advice???


Congratulations. My daughter just got accepted, too, for graphic design.

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Yay! Congrats!

Congrats! My daughter was accepted into graphic design today, too!