Cal Poly SLO Art + Design Portfolio Invitation

My son got rejected as well. Bummed

My D rejected too. Interesting, she opened the portal and just simply saw: “

“You have not been selected for admission to Cal Poly.”

Like, that was it, no other words on the page, no thank you for applying, no logo on the page, nothing. She said, OMG that is so rude! I must admit I thought it a bit unprofessional as well. Is that what everyone else got? Just wondering.

Sorry, ours, too. We had already expected it, but still stings to receive the news.

Sorry for those who weren’t accepted. Hopefully you have other good choices. quite a few other good public school graphic design programs available: SJSU, SFSU, SDSU, CSULB, Arizona State U, and several WUE schools like UofNevada. Some might still be taking applications. Frankly, while CO’s overall reputation is better than any of those I mention, I actually think it isn’t tops if you look at just the graphic design dept. Also CC route is financially attractive and might help build portfolio for later applications. I feel fortunate daughter was accepted to CalPoly but also had the sting of plenty of rejections, incl UCDavis design program which was probably her top choice 
 and, of course, UCLA and UCB which were always super-reaches 
 and disappointing merit scholarships from most the privates. I don’t think anyone got through this application season unscathed.

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Thank you for the kind words. Congrats to your daughter! We had a string of rejections similar to yours. We did get Pratt and Parsons so one of those two may be the final choice. Good luck!

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Did anyone get a waitlist offer from art+design?

We did not. Flat out rejected. I will say, for the help of others in the future, that the portfolio is 100% the deciding factor. My daughter is OOS and not that many kids apply to SLO from around the country, so this school was a safety for her, especially from an academic standpoint (admitted to UCLA!). Because of that, she decided to try throwing a portfolio in the ring to see what would happen. Lol guess they didn’t like it enough. If that’s you - better academics but weaker portfolio at this point in time - then Davis is another great option because the Design program there, which is excellent, doesn’t require a portfolio. There are different ways to reach the same goal based on what your current strengths are. Cast the net wide and see what happens!

I graduated from art department in 2015. Studio. The teachers at Cal Poly are very good. The biggest plus or minus from the art department is size plus future. If you love small Cal Poly is great. if you want a larger department with a larger faculty group Davis may be your flavor. At Cp You will know every studio art student immediately. And your journey will be intimate. There is no post BFA possibility as it does not exist. I am assuming that Davis is larger and may have postgraduate opportunities. If you want to teach a MFA is necessary for most schools.

It is all personal choice. The depth of what call Poly has to offer as art electives is very limited. You take lots of art history which I didn’t think I’d like I went through it but did. Some of their best teachers reside in that area.

I recommend you look at the instructors personal art work on their web pages because what they make is what you will learn. And it represents their personal taste in art.

Good luck in your decision process.

Sorry. To update I started in 2015. Graduated in 2019. So my input is way more recent. Most of the current facultyI had as instructors.

Thanks for your thoughts, Lulu55.