Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

how long do waitlists generally come out for?

We were told by an admissions counselor at Cal poly that you should report those classes from middle school, but you do not have to report the grades. They said that we could just report that the classes were passed. I actually doubt that they use the middle school grades in their calculations. They do not request a middle school transcript. The admissions counselor specifically told me this. Since grades count for so much of the admissions decision, and they are not verifying middle school grades, I donā€™t think they are getting counted in the gpa calculation. Bottom lineā€¦ DO NOT OMIT THOSE COURSES FROM YOUR APP! ?

One way to get that 10 semesters of math is doubling up senior year. Thatā€™s what my S did.

@michzzi Thanks, I will pass along! Very helpful, she will appreciate this feedback.

@sebasHopes I can answer one part, but most of the whole admissions process leaves me scratching my head. But for 10 semesters of mathā€¦ my son actually had 12. He started 9th grade algebra in 7th grade then progressed up each year and is ending with AP Calculus BC (second year calc). This type of class in middle school (and language) could be listed towards your classes. This seems to be where most people made errors (if they made any) on the app. These middle school classes that count towards your A-G in high school were I think pretty critical in my sonā€™s acceptance for mechanical engineering. My belief is that sometimes you donā€™t end up where you thought you wanted to be, but you end up right where you should be. Cheesy I know. Best of luck to you!

BTW, summer A-G courses count as well i think?. Not sure how one doubles up in math in one year in HS as one class would be harder than the other and presumably require knowledge of the first one. But thatā€™s another path if a student can handle that.

I just looked at my admitted S application and under A-G ā€œtotal years requiredā€ it says 15, under ā€œtotal yearsā€ it says 26 (since he took 5 math courses in HS + Algebra1 & Geometry in middle school). Iā€™m wondering if the total years plays a factor in MCA, aside from the rigor adds that area already mentioned in the calculator.


My son took AP Statistics and AP Calculus in his senior year.
Since neither was a pre-requirement for those classes,
he had no trouble.

He took Algebra in middle school, but even if he forgot
to enter his middle school grades there would be no negative
impact( no foreign language in middle school) on his application.

@eyemgh what do you mean that the composite ACT doesnā€™t matter for CAL POLY. Isnā€™t it part of the MCA calculation - post#2035

@NewPoster123 in the post you mentioned, @eyemgh said that only the math and english ACT scores are used. The ACT composite includes reading and science as well, so it isnā€™t relevant. You could get 28ā€™s in math an english and 36ā€™s in reading and science and have a composite of 32. Another person could be the opposite, 36ā€™s in math and english and 28ā€™s in the others. Same composite of 32, but the latter would be far more likely to be admitted than the former.

Just checked portal and waitlisted for Stats

oops, MelloG answered.

@3calboys did you just find out today or tomorrow?

@dreamin1 checked portal around 3 pm today. Didnt get an email.

Does anyone know when scholarships are released? Right now I can only see my grant and loan information in my financial aid summary, does this mean that Iā€™m not going to be offered a scholarship?

Has Calpoly released admission decisions for engineering majors?

@CharlieEcho35: Cal states usually do not give merit aid (scholarships), only need-based aid.

Received an email today at 5:00pm that DC was waitlisted for Bioengineering. According to the email, CP SLO received over 65,000 applicants for 5400 spots. Congratulations to everyone who was accepted and best of (continued) luck for those waitisted.

just received an email with the link to the financial statements. no financial aid. just the federal loans.

When will Cal Poly Scholars be notified if they have received the award?