Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

@Goolia66 Thank you for the feedback! D is admitted under Anthropology, but is considering all the different ways to add Political Science to the mix. She can emphasize in Global Politics, Minor in Poly Sci, Double Major in them both, or switch to Poly Sci completely. Anthropology and Poly Sci have some solid overlapping classes, especially when you choose a related emphasis in either. So, she is just trying to plan ahead.

If she did switch her major, I think I’ve seen students accepted for Poly Sci on the Final Stats thread with MCA and grades lower than hers. So, I think she might be OK if she decided to switch.

Thank you again!

@Gumbymon. IMHO it is unfair for the CSUs to give advantage to residents of their local geographic area. My taxes go to the CSU system as a whole, not just to my local CSU. Also, my “local” CSU is Sonoma State. so while my kid gets an advantage applying to Sonoma State, he is disadvantaged applying to Cal Poly SLO. This is not fair because Cal Poly SLO is better than Sonoma State. I guess I should have moved to San Luis Obispo!!!

Denied for Aerospace Engineering…Just glad to finally know!

idk @GoDogsGo i see both sides of the argument and am really split on the residency advantage.

@Godogsgo: The CSU system has been in place since the 1972 and has helped many CA residents achieve a great education by being locally accessible. Unfortunately life is not fair and SLO has been criticized that they did not give local applicants enough priority. Impacted campuses give priority to their local applicants but it is not a guarantee of admission. Even if you moved to SLO, you are not guaranteed a spot just because you are local.

The UC’s are California public universities and also are funded by our tax dollars and they give no “local” preference at all…

@Gumbymom. I am curious, what is the local CSU assigned for Southbay students? Palos Verdes, Manhattan Beach, Redondo Beach, Torrance….

@Gumbymom Do you think dual enrollment, number/quality of APs matters - i.e., a kid that has a ton of the toughest APs that also apply to his major (such as AP Chem, AP Bio, AP Calc BC,Physics C: Mechanics/Electromagnetics) taken before senior year - help get admittance? It definitely helps Cal Poly’s graduation stats if you’re admitting kids that have a couple of quarters of credit before you even walk in the door. I know the boys who got in from my son’s high school his year all had 12+ APs in the hardest ones. It also seemed that the parents I ran into at the admitted student lunch had kids who had a high number of credits from dual enrollment, too. They had multiple kids at the school so I assumed they knew how to “work the system”. I’m seeing insanely high, top UC-tier type stats posted on reddit they’re getting rejected - 34 ACT, 4.76W GPA, 4960 MCA. Just crazy.

@SBmom1989: Here is the link for the CSU service areas.

Son was denied for Computer Science. Thanks for letting us flap in the wind for 3 weeks Cal Poly!

My daughter just got her rejection. It was her first choice but it wasn’t meant to be. UCSB here we come!

I just want to state that I am not associated or have ever worked for admissions so just a Mom trying to make sense of this crazy process and just trying to help applicants and parents by posting any helpful information.

If we are going on the assumption that the MCA point calculation is being used (no confirmation either way if it is still being used for admissions), HS course rigor is determined by 2 factors in the MCA calculation.

-Course rigor with the bonus points with maximum of 750 points
-Weighted GPA with a maximum of 8 semesters of Honors points

There are no stated bonus points for more than 8 semesters of AP/IB/DE or Honors credit stated in the GPA calculation unlike the UC’s which do consider the Fully weighted GPA. However, if you look the Freshman profile for 2018 the Average GPA stated for Engineering is 4.21?? The stated MCA calculation cap is 4.2 and the regular CSU 8 semester cap would be 4.4.

I think the MCA point calculation has been revised to take into account applicants that have the extra AP/IB/DE rigor but yes these courses can definitely help increase that 4 year graduation rate but there is no way to know for sure.

Even the other CSU’s which all have HS course rigor as Very Important, how do they determine HS course rigor beyond the maximum CSU GPA calculation? They are suppose to use the Eligibility index for admission purposes, so are the applicants that have more than 8 semesters of the weighted Honors/AP/IB/DE courses treated the same as the applicants with just the 8 semesters and how are applicants that do not have 8 semesters of these courses even available at their HS considered?

Many unanswered questions and my advice is apply widely, make sure you are willing to attend every school on that list and you will end up where you meant to end up.

Remember, where you go for Undergrad will not define you, it is what with the opportunities you are given that will make you successful.

My daughter was denied to Biological Sciences. GPA NON WEIGHTED 4.0, weighted 4.31, 9 AP classes, 3 in science. SAT 1380. Rank 6 in class of approx 560 students. 2 varsity sports, choir, PT internship, life guard job, volunteer work. Accepted at all 6 other schools, offered honors in all schools, heard early at all schools. SDSU, she literally was accepted in 2 weeks after she applied. Cal Poly her only rejection, this is okay since it was her 7th choice of the seven schools she applied. Just a little surprised, know of others with way lower stats that did get in. She did apply to UC’s, CSU’s. And private. Prefers private over state schools.
Congrats to all students! Senior year journey with testing, applications, scholarships and way to many essays is a daunting task for these kids! Oh, and very nice scholarships at all private schools!

@Drummer1030: I understand your frustration on this whole process but I will relate my son’s experience when he applied for Class of 2018. SLO use to offer Early Decision so he applied the first week of October to SLO. Was deferred December 15th and was finally rejected the first week in March so 3 1/2 months later. Your daughter has some great options with UCSB and SDSU so best of luck to both of you and she “will bloom where planted”.

@Gumbymom I’m just glad she can finally let it go. Good news is shes so excited about her other options that she’s not even disappointed! Thank you again for all your input! It’s really helped her to get excited about either option and we just booked all our flights and hotels for open house :slight_smile:

So after making him wait for over 3 weeks my S just got rejected for Business - 33 ACT 4.56 GPA.
He was also rejected from UCSB this week. Keeping our fingers crossed that he won’t get 3 more no’s today… not sure we can handle that:( crazy times!

I’m just ticked off at cal poly for not releasing it all in one go. Thanks for nothing cal poly thanks for nothing. Rejected for aerospace :frowning:
MCA 4700
ACT 31
GPA 4.2 W 3.95UW
Algebra 1 in middle school

@drogontt25 totally agree… unnecessary cruelty I’d say:)

@Gumbymom Thanks for your reply - applying widely is definitely the answer these days.

im so pissed rn
UW GPA: 4.0
W GPA: 4.5
SAT: 1400
major: biological sciences
in state
are they kidding me? they literally let in kids with lower scores than me and they had to reject me? not even a waitlist. the admission officers are seriously on crack rn

The thing I’m unhappy with is that they release acceptances first and rejections last. Like if I’m going to wait, let me wait for some good news and not have that teeny weeny hope in my heart that I might be an exception in the third wave. :neutral:

UW: 4.0
W: 4.4
Major: Computer Science
In State