Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

Seems early, doesn’t it? Last year was March 1 right?

Years prior it has been President’s Day weekend so not too strange that decisions could be starting now

Two years ago, they came out February 15th

@collegemom111111 With my middle daughter acceptances were posted on 2/16 in 2017. I think last year was the anomaly as they are usually around the middle of February.

@aggie58 Interesting, thanks. Do you remember what is meant by release by major? Did they go alphabetically through the majors or in a random order? Also, I heard they usually release OOS first, so this is a bit odd… Maybe there’s something special about Wine & Viticulture??

I applied under food science and that is in the same college as wine and viticulture (school of agriculture) and I haven’t heard anything. I only know of people hearing if they applied under wine & viticulture.

And I am also in state Northern CA

I’m not sure exactly how they do it by major but I do know they do it by college. For example in prior years college of math and science came last! They do usually release OOS first so it is interesting.

I mean since I applied under ag and I haven’t hear back, there is a chance I just am not gonna get in, but looking at this threads it just seems like most admissions haven’t been released!

In state applied CS haven’t heard back yet.

Can someone explain to me how to calculate this portion of your MCA score please?

“The third largest section is the class rigor score, worth 750 points. In this section you get zero points for meeting the minimum admission requirements and adders for more than the minimum. The bonuses in order of power are (min semesters/max total semesters/bonus per extra semester/total possible bonus): math 6/10/125/500, lab science 4/8/50/200, English 8/10/50/100, foreign language 4/8/25/100, visual performance 2/4/25/50, no bonus points for social sciences or electives. As with GPA, you can actually score higher than the maximum, but 750 is the most they will count.”


Math 6 semesters= 125 points. 10 semesters= 500 points
Lab Science 4 semesters= 50 points. 8 semesters= 200 points
English 8 semesters= 50 points 10 semesters= 100 points
FL 4 semesters= 25 points 8 semesters= 100
VPA 2 semesters= 25 points. 4 semesters= 50 points

Maximum total is 750 even if you are over that amount.

The lower semesters for each category is the minimum requirement.

The way I interpreted this: e.g. you need minimum of 6 semesters of math to meet minimum requirement. The max you can get MCA points is 10 semesters. For every semester above 6, you get 125 points. The max points you can get for math is 500, no matter how many semesters you took above 6.

can more people please report if they know someone who heard back

Thank you!

i’m so nervous i just want to know!

@hawaii23 maybe Wine and Vit are the only admits for today which is pretty non standard for SLO. In the past with my 2 daughters, they found out on Fridays around 5:00pm. Maybe that’s when they will release decisions. I asked my daughter who is graduating this year to go to the Admissions office and poke around (half kidding) but she texted me back saying they were closed!

Nothing from Industrial Engineering. If they have sent out acceptances, I would have expected more activity on this forum, unless they have just sent out a handful.

My son just logged into his CalPoly portal this afternoon and noticed that it has a new system now, and has a link to his own personal ‘your’ Cal Poly portal with more personal info. And the log in in general was very different than when he has logged in earlier this week. Do you think this could be a sign for him? Has anyone else noticed a change in the portal log in and accessible info? We are on pins and needles. This is his top school. We are in state.

@805Mommp Can you post a screenshot?