Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

He just got some shots of his new sign-in but I can’t see how to post them.
The portal does still say ‘no determination at this time’ but he has access to more links than before.
Basically, the new portal platform is through Oracle. The webpage says and is a royal blue background. It is very different so they must be doing something on their end. He is praying it is a sign. :wink:

I feel like everyone sees something new and thinks its a “sign”. lets just wait until decisions come out …

Hi! @805Mommp and everyone else, I got my log in months ago, so I don’t think it’s a sign. I could be wrong though:) Decisions usually come out on fridays, so I think many OOS students will get their acceptance then.

Good luck to all! For those who are offered admission (after you’ve been accepted but even before you accept your offer), please encourage your parents to join the Cal Poly SLO Mustang Parents facebook page for lots of great info about things you’ll need for school and other useful info. For newly-accepted freshmen, you’ll want to join the Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 (Official) facebook page. Even if you and your parents aren’t typically facebook types, those pages have a LOT of useful info about upcoming deadlines and other useful info and the student page is the best place to find roommates for the dorms and get answers about college life from older students. They’ll be useful resources throughout your time at Cal Poly.

Hi! @805Mommp Well, I think it’s a “sign”!! Why else would it change?! I just checked my D’s and hers is still the blah old one. Best of luck. We’re waiting for architecture. Let’s us know when you hear something official!

@805mommp I get the same log in from oracle every now and then ever since I first opened my cal poly portal. I think it just means the cal poly sight crashed and you are seeing the main server. Unfortunately don’t think it’s a sign :frowning: Just a glitch!

anyone’s portal down?

I’m also waiting for architecture, and my portal just changed to the blue login. Hopefully that’s a good thing!

@18butterflies: what is the blue login?

My son’s portal is down and is also now blue. So maybe it changed for everyone?

My son had applied for Graphics communication. He did not get an invitation to submit his portfolio.
Should this be counted as a rejection then?

@dadfromohio , i applied Graphic Communication and I am very positive that they do not require a portfolio. Only Art & Design majors require one!

When the portal server goes down, it reverts to the PeopleSoft (Oracle) interface…same for a stale request. Sad to say I don’t think it’s a sign! But we’re all on pins and needles. Good luck to everyone.

Portals always go down Wednesday nights for servicing.

Graphic Design = portfolio. Graphic Communication = no portfolio.

What is the difference between the two departments?
I think the application was done in the Graphic Communication in error, it was supposed to be for Design.
He wants to do interaction design/UX; and has already been accepted to DAAP Cincinnati, CCA, etc.
We had heard about the Graphics Design I guess (in Cal Poly) that is also reputed. But now that he has applied to the other department, wanted to know a bit about it.

Any advise?

what is a competitive MCA score for major Communications?

do you guys think that the application server is down because they are making the decisions?

The servers go down every Wednesday night all year long.

@dadfromohio Graphic Coms doesn’t require a portfolio. Graphic Design is a different department. Graphic Coms includes a little bit of design, but is generally focused on the technical aspects of graphics. Graphic Coms (also known as GrC) has subspecialties in Design Reproduction Technology (the most design-focused subspecialty), Web and Digital Media, Graphic Communication Management, and Graphics for Packaging. If your son is interested in interaction design/UX, then GrC is the appropriate major at Cal Poly for that, most likely in the Web and Digital Media or DRT concentrations, which would be declared after the first few quarters. GrC majors from Cal Poly are strongly recruited and about 95% of the majors from that department have career job offers before graduation. It’s a great department - small enough that all of your professors will know you by name in the first quarter, but large enough that they have some great industry contacts and a very good reputation. Good luck to your son, and feel free to message me if you’d like more info. My daughter graduated last June with a GrC major from Cal Poly, DRT concentation, and a minor in Media Arts and Technology.