Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

@Gumbymom posted this link earlier in this thread Enrollment Targets and Projections.pdf
which is very helpful in figuring out which majors are more competitive. My D17 applied to a major that looks like a 12% admit rate, but I have a younger D15. Now that I know this information, it may influence what major D15 applies to. (Assume 33% yield)

@CLDMom , will certainly contact you when and if he gets an admission. This is great info indeed and seems to be the correct major for him.

My daughter heard last year on March 2nd

@Carbonman you and your daughter share a same account?? just curious B-) reading your past post made me think that. Just patiently waiting for the decision to come out for my daughter here! Can’t handle the wait for another 10 days!!

anyone in arch get deciisions

waiting. Impatiently.

Even if you don’t get admitted or have any status update in the first round of decisions does that mean u have been rejected?

A poster on another thread seemed convinced that more decisions would start coming out today. Seems possible. Fridays are a likely day, and we’re right in the middle of the two week period during which they’ve been releasing decisions the last few years.

@collegemom111111 In years past, my two DD’s acceptances came out around 5:00pm on Fridays! In 2017, it was on Feb 16th or 17th.

Hi @Carbonman, are you in state or OOS? What major did your daughter apply for? Thanks!

@calimck15 Thanks for the info! Yeah, I’m guessing either today or next Friday 3/1. Hope it’s today!

I’m wondering if the one acceptance the other day was an accident? It doesn’t seem that anyone else has heard. Maybe next week

In state. She is in Environmental Science but switching to Civil engineering

Yup. Of course, I was on more than she was—parental stress I guess.

Today or next Friday for sure.

If some decisions are today is it anticipated that it will be out of state, only high state in state etc - or will it be a big more general wave?

Last year it looks like last year in-state replies started coming in earnest Thursday 3/1/18 around 2 pm. YMMV

I guess this is the “waiting in agony for SLO decisions” thread so I’m on board

OOS of state started 2/28 (a wed) in the evening last year. I believe the pattern has historically been OOS first, then in-state. I think it won’t happen this week so hopefully next.

@ocmom1000 Yeah, I agree with you. It’s way too quiet right now to be this week. I also noticed last year people were posting that their portal updated at all hours, and it definitely happened spread out over several days.