Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

@thewaitinghurts 4376 mca 33 act 4.05 gpa for psych

@confederalis I added the aero for IS - thanks. feel free to add comments to the sheet as this will only work if people help

would anyone know why my account isn’t letting me use the security questions. they just don’t show up?

DS=Dear Son…lol

@Kassie73 I would never have guessed that is what DS stood for ! weird!

How much later is the email after the decision is posted

Just to lighten the mood for the waiting, here is an anecdote. I always mention my kids as DS/DD and husband as DH on forums and so do most people on those forums. My husband saw DH in one of my comments and thought I was calling him a d*** head! :wink:

someone just got into aerospace engineering. I think the college of engineering is coming out

@StacysMom24 “def” is short for definitely

How do y’all have 4.?? gpa’s… we only go up to 4.0 in MT. so many kids with 4.6 and such…?

Does anyone know how Poly looks at ACT in regards to super scoring?

Has anyone found out from Nutrition??

@montanatocali not sure how every school does it, but at mine we receive an extra point for an AP or Duel Enrollment class (which allows for grading up to a 5.0) :slight_smile:

@intricuit thank you! phew!

@montanatocali, the only GPA that matters is the UC/CSU calculated GPA. It does give a little bonus for up to 8 semesters of honors/AP/IB. Since CP uses 9th grade marks, the weighting gets diluted pretty hard. 4.3 is about the max you can get (it’s dependent on the total number of A-G courses taken). The MCA caps at 4.2.

Anyone got into Graphics Communication yet?
My son is yet to receive a decision. What is the GPA/SAT range for this field of study?

Have offers from U. Cinci DAAP (Interaction design), RIT (ID), CCA (ID), U. Oregon (ID); but no news from SLO.
Waiting on UCs as well for design programs.

How much later is the email after the decision is posted

@jnagra It varies sometimes 5 hours, sometimes the next day. With my oldest it was a week. Did you get your password reset? If not go back to the original email they sent you to set up your account and follow the instructions. We just helped a friend with this.

@dadfromohio there were 2 yesterday. See final status link above.

Anyone in for communications ??