Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

@somedeepthoughts we are in NorCal! Let us calm down a little bit (too exciting) then let your know stats

Just accepted for biology!

In state (not local)
MCA- 4900
CSU GPA- 4.25
SAT- 1500
7 AP classes + honors courses
Leadership roles + work related to major

Congrats to everyone admitted!

So those of us (lets say for CS) who have lower a lower MCA may be offered a wait-list spot because SLO realizes those with very high stats may accept admissions at, for example, a UC?

Just got accepted for Cal Poly for Ag Business! Been refreshing every hour since Thursday!
MCA: 4269
Instate (not part of service sector)
Special thanks to GumbyMom and eyemgh for donating all their time (and answering stupid, repetitive, already answered questions). Sophomore year my grades tanked from taking too hard of a course and felt hopeless getting into cal poly or Mid Tiers Ucs. So from what I learned from them, I formulated my course load to maximize my Mca score so that I can increase my chances and calculated projected acceptance rates for each major so that I knew what major I had a good shot at. If you haven’t heard back yet, stay in there! Acceptances will keep on rolling out until Friday, followed by waitlist then rejections.

@TCNCmom @madamechic and @atka29

If you would all do a little extra leg work and calculate your MCAs and post to the Final Status thread, it would be VERY helpful to future applicants. Thanks!

If I haven’t heard my decision back does that mean I’m out (MCA is 4432) and I am in state economics major?

I don’t feel the love from SLO

@student5430, absolutely not. There’s lots of time to go. If it makes you feel any better, Cal Poly doesn’t show any one love in this process. It’s very clinical. Just know that and keep holding fast.

@student5430 That’s what I had initially thought

But people on College Confidential are really great and told me that sometimes it takes longer for some applications to get released for absolutely no reason, so you shouldn’t lose hope like I did. It could be that your app just needs to be manually reviewed.

@eyemgh and @Gumbymom Thank you very for you two! You really give us a lot of help!!! We have already post our stats in final!

Does anyone know when Biochemistry might come out?

My D just got accepted for BRAE
GPA 4.1
ACT 30

@Noliwat and @homestretch99 let us know when you hear. My son is waiting on General Engineering too, but your MCAs are a bit higher. I think his MCA is about 4700. We are on pins and needles.

Does anyone know for sure that cal poly doesn’t personally review each application? And how do they calculate MCA scores, themselves or through some sort of application?

Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Administration
4000ish MCA
3.8 GPA
In State

S just accepted to Environmental Earth and Soil Science in College of Ag.
MCA ~4700
CPU GPA 4.15
SAT 4010
9 AP courses
In State

My friend just got accepted with a 4125 MCA for environmental science.

@eyemgh, quick question: does Algebra 1 need to be reported on the CSU application even if my HS didn’t give me credit for it? I feel like that’s what’s holding me back from an acceptance.

@v13579, back when our son was applying, admissions told us there were no readers and that it was all done with software. I haven’t seen anything to suggest it has changed.

Do you have insight into when Transfer students will start getting notified and how are those decisions made?

@WizardApple, those classes, both maths and advanced language, go towards calculating the rigor score in the MCA. Leaving it out can cost you valuable MCA points.