Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

in the student center, there is a link that says “accept/decline”. when i click it, it says " You have already submitted your accept or decline response. If you have any further questions, please contact the Admissions Office. ", but i never remember ever filling out such a form? does anyone else have this problem? i am panicking because i dont want to commit to a school when barely any decisions have been released yet…

@mikeyt8586 You are not alone…it’s a glitch. If you search through this thread you will see many people reporting the same issue.

My friend who has a 4300 got in yesterday, do not give up hope

I am having the same problem…about to call the Admissions Office.

@pengithepanda: both on 3-1-19 on the Final Status Thread

Political Science
4700ish? MCA
4.03 GPA
34 ACT

Political science
idk what my mca is
4.13 cal poly gpa
Act 31
in state

Also one out of state posted.

Hi so im actually so scared… i have like a 3.5 and a 1550 SAT for biological sciences im so sad :frowning:

Any word on Animal Science?

Same… barely see any for Poli Sci and that’s what we are waiting for. Refresh… refresh… refresh. Argh…

waiting on the same

Also waiting on polisci over here

@StacysMom24, there are a couple of things to remember. One, CP quit talking about the MCA, so I haven’t had anything concrete to hang my hat on to change it. The SAT changed though and that changed the concordance tables. That is different and is certainly reflected in the new MCA (if it still exists), but lacking any solid proof, I didn’t update since the 2013 version. As a result, the calculation won’t be perfectly accurate. You might think she has a given score and that a different student has another, but if they took different tests, the new concordance table will alter how they compare. Two, she’s close, which is good!

Nodramallama maybe you could search last years scores for your major so you could get an idea of what to expect.

Waiting on poli sci as well ahhhh

My daughter didn’t enter her 7th grade algebra 1 or her 8th grade geometry. Which gives her an mca score of only 3306 and she is a biology major. She has a 4.13 and 32 act. She didn’t put enough extra curricular hours for all her marching band and jazz band either. Her score would have been closer to 3600. Do you know the minimum mca for biology at Cal poly?

Same here. I only see 20 or so Bio acceptance posts on the final thread. I am confused on what CP is really looking at because I have 4.8, 1510 and approx MCA of 4800. No idea why a few with lower #’s have already been accepted. Must be something more to all of this. Do they try and balance by gender or race?

Daughter waiting to hear for Marine Science, anyone else?

@Drummer1030, I think you miscalculated the MCA.

@college2019bound, CP caps GPA at 4.2, as calculated in the CSU calculator. They don’t care about HS weighting.

If you forgot to put middle school math and language in, it will also impact your MCA. In a major as competitive as Bio, that little thing could make the difference. Unfortunately, every year, students have lower MCAs than they thought they had because they didn’t get full rigor points. It’s a bummer, because the application could infer the classes just by the highest math and language taken. Go to the MCA thread and recalculate, both your GPA and your MCA, leaving out your middle school classes if you did on your application, and you’ll know for sure. Good luck.

@college2019bound Due to California State Law they cannot use race as a factor in admissions. Cal Poly tends to solely use MCA as acceptance, so if you haven’t been accepted yet then just wait

@eyemgh I definitely had all of my middle school math & language included. Nothing missed as my college counselor triple checked eveything upon submission. I think she said my mca was either 4800 or 4900. So I guess I am still waiting, too.

Myself and a few of my friends have all been accepted. One of my buddies has really wanted to go to SLO for a long time, but some of us who have his major have already been accepted, and hes still waiting for an answer. I feel really bad, and wanting to know if there’s still hope for him? Anything helps.