Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

I used an online calculator. I hope I was wrong but I don’t think I am. It is a bummer because she is now in AP calculus bc and of course she wouldn’t be if she hadn’t taken the two math classes in middle school. It doesn’t appear that any of the bio majors have scores that low. She just changed to bio from environmental management in January I wish she would have kept it.

Do you know if I could try to appeal if she is denied based on her not entering the middle school info?

Thank you for your input!

@drummer1030, I’ve never seen an online MCA calculator except the one posted here. Unless her individual Math and/or English sections are DRAMATICALLY lower than her composite, there’s an error. Use the calculator in the post below.

@eyemgh thank u so much for your knowledge and support!!! made my afternoon!

@collegebound2019. My daughter was accepted to Animal Science this morning.

Yeah I’m not getting in lol, I still haven’t heard back for Nutrition yet

maybe more realeases at 5pm?

last year my friend wasn’t accepted until march 28 (almost a month after releasing acceptances) for engineering and he had super high stats–1570 sat and capped 4.2 GPA so I think theres definitely hope for people who haven’t gotten in yet.

@eyemgh What’s the Final Status thread?

Is someone who has been rejected from calpoly SLO more than likely going to be rejected from UCSB & UCI as well?

@thewaitinghurts no my friend was accepted to UCSB for biology but rejected from cal poly for bio 2 years ago

@thewaitinghurts no. completely different rvw. i know so many kids accepted to UCLA but rejected by CalPoly

@thewaitinghurts: No correlation since UC’s have the addition of personal insight essays and a listing of your EC’s/awards. Even between UC campuses, you cannot predict if you will be accepted or not since each school has their own criteria for their application review.


@thewaitinghurts, not necessarily. They admit based on different factors. @Gumbymom can speak to the two UCs.

@mikeyt8586 Hmmm interesting about the accept/decline link. On my D’s accept/decline linked page it says “You have already submitted your accept or decline response. If you have any further questions, please contact the Admissions Office” and above it it says “accept admission”. But she swears she never accepted… may be a glitch?

@thewaitinghurts IMHO since UCs are more holistic, the comparison for admission to UCs v SLO may not be the same. True SLO’s stats are inline with UCB/UCLA admits but the holistic approach at UCs offers opportunities for other parts of your application to shine.

Just received the “congratulations on your acceptance” email from slo but was accepted sat morning so don’t know if theyre rolling out new decisions rn

My son was accepted to General Engineering today. In state, 4.0 unweighted, 35 ACT.

Formal admit emails have started coming out, fyi.

so no more admissions?

@Mojo88 - Yep!. My D just got her email this afternoon (accepted on Friday) with the cute congrats video! :slight_smile: