Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

Anyone in marine sciences heard back yet?

@swampmoonster What time? Did it just change? We are all waiting anxiously for any sign of life still in Acceptances. Thank you for your post!

@last1done ya i called yesterday and they said they were still coming out.

@Last1Done Iā€™m not sure the exact time but I went to check around 2pm and didnā€™t get anything yet. I just checked around 5pm. so around 2-5pm! probably near 5pm I think

has anyone heard or been accepted for mechanical engineering?

thank u @swampmoonster !!! keepin the dream alive for many!!!

They are saying that most likely the acceptances will continue till Friday. Next week they start rolling out wait lists?

admissions told me acceptance could roll out for ā€œthe next few weeksā€ and they they werenā€™t through reviewing applications.

@nodramallama13 cool beans, thanks for the clarification still hoping for the best ?

@waverunnr5: Yes, some ME acceptances see below:

Accepted: Mechanical Engineering
GPA 4.42
SAT 1500
MCA ~ 4840
4 years of track, XC, leadership, summer internship
in state

Mechanical Engineering
In State
MCA 4774
ACT 35

S accepted to Mechanical Engineering
in state
GPA: 4.0 UW, 4.2 W (max at SLO with the 8 sem honors bonus)
1530 SAT (800 math)
Work: 1-5 hrs + major related
EC: 21+ hrs + leadership role
Semesters of Classes: 10 math, 8 sci, 8 for lang, 8 eng, 2 fine art
honors math + AP BC Calc, honors sci + AP Physics Mech, AP Comp Sci, honors eng, honors Span 4
Note: not very many AP classes except within area of interest (relative to what was offered at his HS) but additional rigor with lots of honors classes, earned straight Aā€™s

any one art + design have portfolio 2nd week in feb and got in already???

Has anyone heard from communication studies?

@nodramallama13: ā€œwerenā€™t through reviewing applicationsā€ā€¦curious as to what is exactly the holdup. All applicants are efficiently distilled to a number. I would have expected decisions to be to be made even more quickly than UCs since the holistic aspects are minimized. Perhaps one of the admitted CS majors could help modernize their system :).

Guys a slight emergency. Just found out only 8 of my math semesters were entered when it should be 10. I know this is late but I need help ASAP. This dropped my MCA by almost 250 and I am a ME major so I REALLY need it.

@FireScarab I donā€™t know if this will help or hurt but biological science is the 2nd most difficult (after computer science) major to get into at CPā€¦ for 2018 Biological Sciences 4604 applied 152 enrollment spots ā€¦ even if we allow for a 33% yield that still means only 10% were given an admit. Your GPA and SAT are amazing, obviously, but those are pretty bad admit odds. I do wish you the best.

@nodramallama13 Iā€™m a child development major who is looking to transfer and no transfers have found out anything yet so I think you still have a good chance!

@plzgivemecollege: What help do you want? SLO will not allow course changes/additions to the application once submitted so unfortunately your MCA is what it is.

@GhidottiDad, Iā€™d urge caution in making that leap. Selectivity only tells part of the story, how many applied versus how many slots are available. It says nothing about the strength of the applicant pool, just how popular it is. Admittedly, Biology is very competitive, but last year the lowest Bio MCA I found was 4400 and this year a 4595 has already been reported, with more to follow. Neither of those scores would be close to competitive for CS. Neither of those scores would be close to competitive for ME either and they admit roughly 14%.

@lolpanda11111, they used to pick a number, make the cut, and offer acceptances, based on the yield they anticipated. With the gross over enrollment two years ago after they eliminated ED, they are having to actively manage it a bit more to keep that from happening again. My suspicion is that they are doing more than one phase. Thatā€™s why weā€™ve been seeing just really high MCAs so far (except for the handful of programs that arenā€™t very selective).

@eyemgh Do you think they would release a next phase on Friday or just trickle out daily little by little? Friday seems to be a day colleges like to send out the most acceptance decisionsā€¦

@college2019bound, no idea, Iā€™ve never seen it happen like this before.