Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

i’m so sad. i don’t know how to handle this disappointment.

@nodramallama13 You handle it by saying you are better than this and that they prob don’t deserve to have amazing you as their student and representative. I feel the same. I’m getting prettt bitter toward a school that I once loved. The more I read and hear the more I am thinking I may be glad I didn’t hear. If that makes sense. I’m sorry.

@nodramallam13: You have not received your decision yet which means that there is still a chance at the waitlist. SLO accepted 2436 waitlisted applicants last year so you never know. Just remember where you go for Undergrad will not define you, it is what you do with the opportunities you are given that will make you successful. Hang in there, it is not yet over.

@nodramallama13 It’s no fun BUT I’m willing to bet you got into other great schools… And you can definitely choose to bloom where you’re planted. Plus, many schools make seemingly crazy admissions decisions… I know someone who got rejected by UC Davis and then got into Stanford a week or so later. Best of fortunes!

SDSU, CSULB, and UCD released all their freshman decisions on the same day or within a day of each other. Calpoly SLO should take note.

How are they done admitting already? I haven’t heard anybody that’s been admitted to a couple of majors.

@123qwerty12345: You have to remember College Confidential is a small select community so the majority of accepted applicants do not post here.

I chat with someone at SLo on Wed morning, March 7, and he said, they are in the middle of admission, and all descision should be available on April 1, if you accepted rejected or waitlist.

My DD waiting for architecture
GPA 4.28
SAT 1350
MCA 4500 ish
SLO Arch Summer Camp

None of her friends at school (IE) receive any decision yet, only one person get rejected and it was last week.

@abby2022 I am also waiting for any news from architecture.
GPA 4.23
SAT 1470
MCA 4400ish

No one at my school has been accepted/waitlisted/rejected from architecture yet but I have seen several acceptances in the forums. I’m counting on the wait list now. Best of luck to your daughter!

I’m local to SLO and many of my friends who applied to cal poly who were science majors have heard. I have at least seven friends who haven’t heard from liberal arts, specifically communications at all. I’m just incredibly confused on how all of us haven’t heard, plus the five other COM majors I have seen on CC.

Thank goodness the UCs to come offer A, R, WL at the same time and don’t prolong the torture any longer than necessary. We all just want that bandage off quickly at this point, don’t we? If they were to at least explain their process, it would help some. But this is painfully slow and drawn out when it doesn’t need to be. Other schools manage this, why can’t CPSLO?

Agreed @Last1Done !
Other CSU’s and UC’s seem to manage the process reasonably well so they don’t even have the excuse of being inefficient due to being a somewhat large public university.

Would love some input from @eyemgh, @Gumbymom, and anyone else who has first-hand (or parent of student) experience at Cal Poly SLO. Background: We live OOS, and my son applied to CP truly unaware of and uneducated about the admissions process (MCAs, etc.). He is interested in machine-learning and applied with a first choice major in CS and second choice in Stats. (I’m not sure we were even aware of the Software Engineering major…). He has now been accepted as a Stats major. My questions are:

  1. how easy/difficult is to get a minor in a super competitive program like CS?
  2. what’s the best way to get a true picture of the hands-on nature of a department like stats? (e.g., how courses are taught? what internships students do, etc.)
  3. our previous visit to CP SLO was “unofficial”–we just walked around on our own to get a sense of the space and the vibe of the student body. We now need to do something more official to help make the decision of where to go–CP SLO with a stats major or other options with a CS major/STATS minor? What do you recommend we do to get the most information in a one-day visit?

Thank you for your insights!

@COMom2boys, I can’t speak with any expertise about programs outside of engineering. Even then I’m far more knowledgeable about ME than the rest. I would not advise choosing CP if the plan is to switch into CS. That’s a very steep road, sometimes closed, not guaranteed. CS was over subscribed so they are managing it very tightly. It is possible, but also possible, maybe probable, that he’d get locked out. I would though visit officially to see how Statistics could meet his needs and how it works at Cal Poly.

@COMom2boys I agree with @eyemgh about pursuing CS at CP. Looking at the link he offers in the above post, students need a 3.0 average in a series of CSC classes to be eligible for the minor, and even then it is not guaranteed that the minor will be granted. It also sounds like the required classes may be hard to get based on the warnings in “Important Things to Know” section. For your questions about how to learn more about the program, I recommend having your son contact the Statistics department directly and ask to meet with a faculty member when he is there, and possibly sit in on a class if they are in session. He can also ask if there are any student ambassadors in the program with whom he could speak about the particulars. While these requests are typically more the realm of private colleges, I have found CP faculty very willing to speak to students about their programs – he just needs to ask!

my daughter hasnt been notified one way or the other yet, but can anyone explain how a waitlist works? If we need to make a decision about a college by May 1, how does finding out that one gets into Cal Poly on May 15 even matter? I would think they would need to hear a decision from the waitlist by May 1?

@eyemgh and people on this thread. I thought you might find this interesting as it’s the only article that rates the colleges that only offer a bachelor’s or masters and then can cross reference to graduate universities on page 2.

@Drummer1030 Your D should accept an offer by May 1st. Often colleges require a deposit at that time (and sometimes it is wise to make one for housing). If over the summer (sometimes as late as July) she is offered a spot on a waitlist, she contacts the college whose offer she accepted, typically forfeiting the deposit, and moves forward with her new college.

thank you Noliwat. Hopefully if she is waitlisted at Cal Poly she will let it go and get excited about one of her other options and move on. It would be crazy to change in July once we’ve already made other plans.

FYI, for those that didnt put their middle school grades (which mine didnt) when I called Cal Poly to ask about it they did say students can appeal the decisions. Maybe if everyone appealed they would change their system lol

My D was accepted as Nutrition major March 4. However, she did not see the e-mail until March 7 because it was in her spam. A friend of hers had the same thing happen. Check your spam!