Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

@Last1Done: Pretty much all CSU’s drag out decisons over several weeks. Some of the UC’s also do this and I have a family member that applied to USD (Univ of San Diego) and has still not heard even though they have accepted and rejected many applicants. Unfortunately it is very stressful for both parent and student. SDSU is a great option especially if she is leaning towards education/teaching. SDSU start out as a Teaching University so something to consider.

Edit: SDSU started as a Teachers College.

@Gumbymom @Last1Done yes SDSU is a great option. I graduated from there and I’m a teacher(16 years). Aztec for life!

On the table that shows the estimated costs for the 2019-20 year – – is there a missing number (or a mistake) in the column for Non-CA on-campus freshmen?

It shows 2 fees: $9942 (registration) and $11,880 (Non-Res Tuition). This adds up to $21,822 but the chart shows the subtotal as $23,832.

Is this a mistake in the table or is there another charge for $2010 that I’m missing?

@COMom2boys That $2010 difference sounds exactly like the “Cal Poly Opportunity Fee”

@COMom2boys My twin girls will also be OOS and I noticed the same thing and sent an email to the student accounts asking them to confirm this is the new “Cal Poly Opportunity Fee” that is be charged to only OOS. I also asked how much this fee will be in the upcoming years. It does add up and I would like to understand what we Will be charged in the future. I have not heard a response yet to my email. I have admit that I am disappointed in the lack of transparency. They should call it out as a line item. I wonder how many OOS families are not aware of this new fee since they do not mention it in their presentation when you visit.

Wondering if CalPoly offers any merit $$$ to OOS students? I apologize if this has been asked previously.

@pamom414: Figure around $1000/ year if any.

The question I am trying to get answered is if you are a student starting in Fall 2019, over the course of four year
Will you be paying a total of $8,040 ($2,010 times 4) or $20,100 ($2,010 + $4,020 + $6,030 + $8,040). The wording in all of the documents is unclear to me and it obviously it makes a large difference.

@pamom414 very limited, e.g. $2k/yr for Regents scholarship; not enough to factor in a decision IMO. On the other hand, CP is much more reasonable than the UC schols for OOS.

I recently found out about the new Cal Poly Opportunity fee so I am trying to understand just how much it will be over 4 years. But besides the amount of additional money which I do not feel the school is being transparent with, I am also now concerned that OOS students are unwanted and will be treated differently. Besides money issues, the new fee and paying extra for more than 15 credits, are there other disadvantages such as getting last priority on housing or classes? Or are students treated the same with exception of how much they pay? I really wish they would have been more clear about all of this.

re: Cal Poly Opportunity fee.

The Cal Poly Opportunity Fee will be assessed beginning in fall 2019, when incoming out-of-state students will pay an additional $2,010 a year. Those students will pay the same annual fee during their undergraduate tenure at Cal Poly. Each subsequent incoming class of out-of-state students will pay an increased amount through 2022.

@timell I apologize if I am being dense but I read this as a total of $8,040 over 4 years. is that correct? Someone else told me it doubles every year for a total of over $20,100. So I want to make sure.

@Gumbymom If they are still going to give out the small OOS merit scholarship when would a student know? I know it is small but could help offset the new Opportunity fee.

@2toplace : It should be listed with the FA package.

@2toplace It’s my understanding that you will pay the same fee amount every year. So for students starting in the fall of 2019, their total 4-year fee will be $8040.

@2toplace, my understanding is the same as @timell’s, that your fee will remain $2000ish/year all 4 years. Next year’s class will be $4000ish/year all four years. The increase will eventually get to $8000ish per year for the class entering 4 years from now and will stay there. That will make CP $32k more over 4 years than it is now, still quite a bit cheaper than it is now, but not the bargain it had been. I would absolutely clarify that though by calling CP.

Anyone know how much merit scholarship one can get for in state students? And how competitive can it be? Thanks very much!

@hopemom, CP offers VERY little merit scholarship money, in or out of state.

@eyemgh Do they offer need-based scholarships?

@ChrispBear: CSU’s usually only offer need-based financial aid. If you are eligible, there is Federal grants such as Pell Grants and Federal Work Study, State grants such as Cal grants, State University grants and Middle Class scholarships, SEOP grants etc…

Your financial aid package should have need-based grants/scholarships listed if you qualify. If you are a continuing student at SLO there are departmental scholarships available.