Cal Poly SLO Class of 2024 New Applicants Thread

My daughter got off the waitlist for Bus Admin in-state!

We are in state

What other majors? I haven’t seen movement for mine yet

Just got into cal poly in state for business admin.

Congratulations to all of today’s acceptances off the waitlist! Are any of you transfer students or are all of you freshmen? Since this is the 2024 thread I’m thinking all freshmen but I thought I would ask.

Has anything happened for engineering recently. I’m waitlisted for Electrical Engineering.

what about in state for construction management?

I got off the Cal Poly Slo Waitlist for Statistics In State at around 6pm.

I just got off the waitlist for Communication Studies!!! I’m literally in tears, I’m so happy!!!

Congrats to everyone who got off! Best of luck to everyone still on the waitlist <3 Don’t lose hope!

In State
1210 SAT
4.1 GPA

Got off the Waitlist around 6PM
Major: Statistics
In State
Will be declining in favor of UCSD.

@SP5702 what were ur stats?

Anyone get in for the CAFES? Or specifically parks & rec?

I may have missed this in past comments on this thread, but has anyone off the waitlist been able to immediately accept their offer? When I click the link in the email, it just brings me to the student center and when I go to application status, it reads “Congratulations, you have been selected for admission to Cal Poly!
Your admission is conditional based on our Terms and Conditions.”

The accept/deny option will probably pop up in a day or two and I’ll definitely be waiting to hear back from financial aid, just wondering if anyone is seeing the same stuff

@bethiew did they give you a date to respond by?

@Indecisive944 at the very end of the email in smallish font, it says I have 10 days to accept via portal

I saw you were waiting on parks n rec. I hadn’t seen anyone in state get off for comms until this wave. it seems the pandemic is causing schools to accept off their waitlist more than past years. I think that’s what’s happening with Cal Poly, so maybe they’re handling waves with a different approach compared to previous trends. Maybe it’s by division within colleges! Good luck to you!!

4.2 GPA & 1330 SAT

@bethiew gotcha! Thank you for that!:slight_smile:

Did you get an email or just check the portal?

@mamabearmb I hadn’t checked my portal all day, but I got the email at 6:13 PM yesterday and didn’t see it until 9 :slight_smile:

I got in for Business Admin. I was in state with a 4.1 and a 1400