Cal poly slo fall 2018 transfer thread

Prospective Student Profile lists average GPA of Business transfer at 3.53
so hopefully EC’s and rigor will make up for it? @CopperlineX2

Does being at Hancock college increase your odds? I’m transferring to CP from Hancock with a gpa of 3.48 in CS , do I have a shot?

12pm Today guys. Hopefully it’ll be tomorrow. There’s a outage! just like last week

@9785694 CS is tough but you do have a shot. Local transfers should definitely get preferred admission. Cal Poly is the only option for kids trying to avoid debt by commuting.Good luck!

@sjd890 We like to call them denials

@CentralCoaster Yes, you are right. Denials sounds much better than rejects!

Update! Looks like a second wave of waitlist notices went out to the freshman just today. Hope that means our acceptance releases are coming soon.

Yes, I think it does. Why do I think that? Because I went to Hancock and I got in to Poly last August with a 3.43 GPA.
I’m Business Admin and I have class with, bump into, talk with, see, bunches of fellow Hancock grads on campus every day.
Good luck, best wishes!

I think I screwed up big time, I put a course twice on my application. Are my chances to get accepted gone?

I double checked the school campus and the last day to change/amend the application was in January. For freshmen/transfers. But honestly, I don’t think it’s a major problem unless it makes a big difference in GPA and such. I’m hoping for the best for ya!

That seems like something that Admissions will be able to look at and know it was just a simple mistake, don’t worry too much about it! They know mistakes happen :slight_smile:

Does anyone know if they look at your updated GPA from the fall grades you inputted in the supplement or if it’s based on the GPA at time of application?

@gbcc27 They use GPA at time of application.

I called admissions during the supplemental process, and they work with your GPA from the supplemental ONLY. They don’t even use the calapply GPA. Take that with a grain of salt though, if I’ve learned anything, it’s that it doesn’t matter what school you’re talking about, counselors tend to be useless.

@Wewewewcalpolywewewew so they don’t look on your cumulative GPA ? just only on your major requirements GPA that you supplied in the supplemental form ?

Do they look at your total units? and all that courses that you have taken before ?

@HuyDang From what I understand, they use the entire GPA provided on the supplemental, so that includes major requirements AND general education.

I’m not sure I believe that entirely, because the response via email was slightly different. I made a mistake on my calapply application, and I emailed, they responded with “We are unable to make changes regarding GPA, however GPA is recalculated during the decision making process based off of the classes.” (They didn’t specify which classes). When I called, an admissions counselor told me that they base it off of the supplemental only.

I wouldn’t take any of this as gospel, it’s just what I was told.

Just wanted to know if i’m placed on waitlist. What would be my chances of getting accepted into Cal Poly?

@aj94: Depends upon your major and how many spots open up once all accepted students accept or decline.

Any Wine and Viticulture majors?

@omarllamas1023 I’m a wine and viticulture major!