Cal poly slo fall 2018 transfer thread

@a123987 Thanks for the info! Yeah I don’t really hear about people trying to transfer for construction management so I wanted to know how competitive it is. Where did you end up enrolling?

So, if I’m reading the chart correctly… For OCOB they wanted 140 total transfer students, yet they accepted 281 applicants to compensate for those who would choose not to attend (2017)?

No transfer acceptances yet? I’m literally dying of anticipation :confused:

@t0pnotch Sounds about right

So after turning the supplemental application in, it disappeared from my portal (the link was right under Application Status). When I logged on today, all of a sudden the link is back! Has anybody else noticed this?

Yeah i noticed too!

mine did too!


Okay, glad I’m not the only one! You guys can only see it, right? You can’t edit it?

@transferjess yes! this must mean change is on the horizon!

Yeah, it’s only visible to me!

Is there a reason why they’re initiating a transfer supplemental? Didn’t we do one in January?


My bf’s is there again too, but it’s blank? And it looks like it could be edited and submitted. Are yours also blank?

@jlpfernandez They’re not opening it up to us, so maaaaaybe it means change is happening like @polypal said!

@hberry No, I can see everything on mine.

@jlpfernandez someone should call!!

I can see my completed supplemental but I cannot edit or make changes. There is nothing on my to do list so i don’t think we have to make any kind of action. my best guess is that they’ve reviewed our supplementals but i have no idea.

I am calling now. It’s also been added to his to do list

@hberry Huh, it’s not on my to-do list. Interesting