Cal Poly SLO Fall 2023 Admissions - Class of 2027

Waiting on this as well. My D said a friend of hers was admitted to this program on 3/10.

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One more for laughs during this stressful time….


My son was admitted around March 10th (I think that might be the exact date) to his second choice major. Several hours after checking his portal indicating accepted for his second choice, he got an email saying that he was admitted but it stated very clearly that it was to his second choice major.

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In state or OOS

Oh, sorry - he is OOS. He applied to Architecture and was admitted for Landscape Architecture which he had indicated as his second choice.

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Thank you for letting me know, I’m considered local and still waiting a decision fingers crossed my alternative is Construction management

Still waiting as well … but holding onto a slim hope.

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I believe you posted this on the wrong discussion thread since SLO has not sent out Waitlist decisions. Did you mean to post on the SDSU discussion thread? I can move the post if you let me know.

Yes, I did. Just edited it.

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Are you a local?

Is there always an option for an alternate major? my son applied for fall 2020 and I know there was a place to opt in for an alternative major - but for some reason I do not remember that option this time around? :woman_shrugging:t2:

Yes, there has been an alternate major option for awhile.


Our daughter was accepted at SLO and CalPoly for Communications (with marketing as a probable minor). On the day she got a no from UCSB (a top choice for her), she opened the snail mail and got acceptance to Weber Honors College at SDSU. She is now trying to decide between these two (and waiting on waitlists for UCs like so many). What are you daughter’s thoughts about the Honors College vs. CalPoly?

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Just a plug for Chico State–I have one kid at Chico State now, one kid at Cal Poly SLO (2020 grad). They are not as different as you think. They are Cal States, both ag-focused, and they are both classic college towns. If your D is not admitted to Cal Poly SLO, maybe give Chico State a try. . .


@CalJersey I think they are saying they are still admitting students because for art students who submitted portfolios, their acceptance date is March 24th. My son has been anxiously waiting :grimacing:

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This happened to my daughter back in 2020. I think indicating LA as a second choice hurt her chances for acceptance to Arch, and further, it meant she could not be on the waitlist for Arch. We then saw many kids getting off the Arch waitlist with lower stats than her but she was stuck in LA. And she would have to had to stay enrolled at least 1 quarter in LA before trying to transfer to Arch, maybe even a year because Arch is a prescribed curriculum that follows a very specific order due to studio. She ended up getting into her long time dream school so it all worked out in the end, but we were a little unhappy about that process.


Daughter was admitted to her first choice major, landscape architecture. She really wants to attend Poly Royal admission events, but has a terrible conflict in that she is the lead for her team at the state level SkillsUSA competition, which runs the exact same days. Her instructor is encouraging her to skip the events in order to lead her team (saying there will be other events/tours she can attend). Can anyone give feedback on how important it is for her to attend the admission event days? It looks like a lot of fun, and the chance for great information… this is just a very difficult choice for her. Also, any input on the value of pursuing the honors program would also be appreciated… TIA!

Cal Poly has an epic welcome week full of events that bond the kids. It is a model for other schools.


Yes… was just reading about that, and most definitely if Cal Poly turns out to be her choice - still waiting on just a few more!- then that is certainly on the agenda. Just wondering whether the admissions day events would be worth throwing her whole competition (and let down her teammates)… it’s just an impossible choice. :-/

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I think the previous poster was referring to the week before school starts. Maybe not though. We can’t go to the April events, but we’re going down one more time before May 1. We’re ok with that - the events up here can’t be missed. Join the Cal Poly SLO Mustang Parents Facebook group. There’s a lot of great info on there for accepted students.