Cal Poly SLO Freshman Class of 2027 Waitlist Discussion

Is today the day SLO finally sends out the mass rejections for those on waitlist???

it’s tomorrow unless I’m mistaken

They said July 15th but are they really going to do it on a Saturday? I thought they would come out today.

… and not one confirmed student who was admitted off the SLO waitlist in this entire thread. Great year to be on UC waitlists but horrible year to be on SLO waitlist.


I got off the waitlist just rn!!!


For Cs I’m a local!!!


Congratulations. I love to be proven wrong.



I just got off the wailtist for mathematics



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Did you receive an email? Or just an update in your portal?

mine says “first time” in the admit type, does this mean admission?

My daughters says the same (first time) . the clause about being on the wait list is gone. she is on a trip and I do not know if she received an email. For those who made it off the wait list did you get an email?

Same - the clause about being on the waitlist is gone, but nothing about being accepted or denied. She did not receive an email of any sort, either. This was the case when she was waitlisted, too! NO email came with the “survey” that was mentioned when we checked the portal and saw that she was put on the waitlist. This is maddening! And it’s Saturday, so no way to call someone.

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My admission status page also removed the clause about being on the waitlist but does not have a button or link to check status. I have not received an email.

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…and the denial email just came in :frowning: It’s super unfortunate how they handle this. That email should have come out when the clause was removed, or at least give the denial info in the portal they tell you to keep checking. Best of luck to everyone still waiting to hear.


My kiddo just got the official no email as well. Super disappointed in their entire process. I honestly think they knew long ago, especially for super impacted majors like hers (aerospace engineering). Life lessons in patience, grace and humility I guess. Now we can hopefully get her excited about SDSU. Aztecs for life!


What was your major? Just curious.

yup - I just called - they are open M-F 11:59 am - 12:00 pm (yes that was sarcasm!) not far off though! 12-5.