**Cal Poly SLO STATS ONLY Freshman Class of 2025**

Public health major

CSU GPA 3.32


Asian Male

11 APs in HS:
AP Human Geography (4)
AP Physics 1 (3)
AP World History (4)
AP Physics C: Mechanics
AP Microeconomics
AP Macroeconomics
AP Computer Science Principles (5)
AP Environmental Science (4) (self studied)
AP Psychology
AP US Government
AP Physics 2
AP Statistics
6 Dual enrollment courses in math, science, English, and art history

Club secretary for paleontology club and treasure for biotech club. Varsity tennis for two years.

No volunteer hours yet.

Personal health and family issues led to an abysmal sophomore and junior year.

To be honest I’m not all that extraordinary but thank you to cal poly. Best of luck to everyone. Hey if a kid with bad stats like me can do it so can you:)


Admission Decision: Accepted
Major: Electrical Engineering
SLO GPA: 4.2
In-state/OOS/International: in-state
Local/Non-local: Non-local (San Diego county)
HS course rigor: 13 APs, took many extra STEM classes + extra foreign language
ECs/work: one major-related work experience, lots of EC hours


Congrats! My twins got in today also. (FYI, Cal Poly GPA is capped at 4.2, I believe.)


Admission Decision: Accepted
Intended major: Mechanical Engineering
SLO GPA: (9-11th grades for the a-g courses with an 8 semester Honors point Cap) 4.2
In-state/OOS/International: In-state
Local/Non-local: Non-local
HS course rigor: Many AP classes and full IB Diploma
EC’s and major related job: Lots of ECs and major related job


Admissions Decision: Accepted
Major: CS
SLO GPA: 4.2 ( I’m hearing that SLO may be capped higher. His GPA is probably whatever the cap is)
In State
HS Rigor: 8 APs all stem
EC: 4 year XC/Track varsity athlete, works part time job, club leadership

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Admission Decision: Accepted
Intended major: Aerospace
SLO GPA: not sure, CSU GPA 4.35
In-state/OOS/International: In-state
Local/Non-local: Non-local (OC)
HS course rigor: 12 APs, 6 Honors
EC’s and major related job: Sports, Community service, No major related job


Son accepted into Business Administration
Northern California
4.0 uw/4.2 (Assume Capped), 4.4 W uncapped
5 AP and 1 IB class
Football, Baseball, Member of Boys Team Charity (volunteer work), summer employment


Admission Decision: Accepted
Intended major: Graphic Communication
SLO GPA: 4.07
In-state/OOS/International: In-State
Local/Non-local: Non-Local
HS course rigor: 7 APs (counting senior year); 2 Honors; 5 Dual Enrollment
EC’s and major related job: 2 Clubs w/ Leadership Positions; No Sports or Job


Admission Decision: Accepted!!
Intended major: Political Science
SLO GPA: (9-11th grades for the a-g courses with an 8 semester Honors point Cap): Around 4.22
In-state/OOS/International: In-state
Local/Non-local: Bay Area
HS course rigor: Regular classes 9th and 10th grade. 3 honors and 20+ dual enrollment classes spread throughout 11th and 12th grade. No AP’s are offered at my school.
EC’s and major related job: 400+ volunteer hours, varsity women’s basketball in 9th and 10th grade, job but not major related, CA Girls State, Junior class vice president, president of a club in 12th grade, ASB in 12th grade, and more.

Admission Decision: D Accepted
Intended major: Journalism
GPA: 3.8 UW/ 4.34 W/ 4.05 CSU; ??? SLO GPA
In-state/OOS/International: In state
Local/Non-local: Southern California
HS course rigor: 9 APs/8 Honors
EC’s and major related job: Lots but CSU doesn’t consider specifics.

No idea what SLO GPA (3.96 UW)
5 APs/2 years Honors math/1 CIHS class
Lifeguard/swim instructor
Eagle Scout (w/lots of community service)/Club and HS swim (State Qualifier and Captain) and quite a few other ECs (has tried many different things in HS but most constant is swim, Scouts, and Band including marching and a year of Jazz)

Industrial Engineering
8 APs/3 Honors
Club President of multiple clubs, previous leadership in those clubs, three bands, two sports for four years, business awards, other leadership, job since 2019

Biological Sciences
4.51 SLO GPA
6 APs/3 Honors
ATL @ Chick-Fil-A, lots of volunteering, managed small family business, sports
12 units of Community College coursework (Spanish, Physics, Chem)

Admission Decision: Accepted!
Intended Major: Architecture
GPA: 4.26 (Sorry not sure what the SLO GPA is about)
HS Course Rigor: Full IB Diploma student
EC’s and major related job: captain of swim team, part of ACE (architecture program), summer job at an art camp, UCLA architecture summer program, Outdoor school volunteer, constitution team.

My son accepted for CS.

Admission Decision: Accepted
Intended major: CS
SLO GPA: 4.2
In-state/OOS/International: In-state
Local/Non-local: Non-Local
HS course rigor: 13 APs + 13 College Courses
EC’s and major related job: CS Club Leadership + Math tutor + Software Business.

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Admission Decision: Accepted
Intended major: Applied Math
SLO GPA: 4.2
In-state/OOS/International: In-state
Local/Non-local: Non, Bay Area
HS course rigor: 10 AP, 6 DE, lots of honors classes
EC’s and major related job: 2 sports, music, leadership, tutoring, lots of community service, internship related to major

Admission Decision: Accepted on 2/23
Intended major: Political Science
SLO GPA: 3.43
Local/Non-local: Bay Area (San Mateo County)
HS course rigor:
No hard classes until junior year, No AP’s; Middle College student so I took college classes instead.
College classes:
Math 120 (Intermediate algebra)
ART 204 (Drawing I)
Math 200 (Stats)
FITN 134
HSCI 100 (General health science)
FITN 199.1
Math 241 (Business Calc/Calc I)
Physical Anthropology
The rest were pretty standard and average classes. I also took three years of a language and have 5 years of math done.

I honestly was not expecting to get accepted and applied because it was an easy application and good state school. I got into slo but rejected from CSULB and Ohio State. I think I got in mainly because I took a lot of college classes. I also get the impression it was either easier to get in this year or not many applied. Anyways congrats to anyone else who was accepted and good luck to anyone waiting to hear back!

I think applications were way up.

Admission Decision: Accepted!!
Intended major: Architecture
SLO GPA: not sure, but CSU gpa was 3.9
In-state/OOS/International: In-state
Local/Non-local: Non, LA
HS course rigor: 5 APs, 2 Honors
EC’s and major related job: 5 clubs–3 w/ major leadership positions; ASB; 200+ volunteer hours; No sports or Job

Admission Decision: Accepted 2/23 via email
Intended major: Chemistry
SLO GPA: 4.17
Non-local: SF Bay Area
HS course rigor: 2 AP or Honors courses per year depending on availability, 4 years of a language
EC’s and major related job: swim and water polo, marching band, volunteer tutor, worked but not related to major