Cal Poly SLO Class of 2024 Waiting on Decisions

Hey guys. I am getting worried, as I am an incoming freshman who applied to the Cal Poly SLO B.Arch Architecture major and still have not received a final admission decision from them yet. Anybody know why? I know many other people who have gotten into Cal Poly SLO already.

Here are my stats:
SAT: 1310
CSU GPA (weighted): 3.94 at the end of junior year, 4.04 right now
MCA Score: 4408
In-state (NorCal/Silicon Valley)

I haven’t gotten mine either, I have a different major but I have no idea where we haven’t heard. I was guessing it is a bad sign :confused:

Still waiting here too, Graphic Arts!
1420 sat, 3.9 UW, 4.1 weighted.

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Both of my twins are still waiting as well - Poli Sci and Business majors

I’m still waiting too! For graphic design. I’m hoping they haven’t sent out the second wave yet?

I haven’t heard either :frowning:
Marine Science Major 31 ACT 3.5 UW 3.9 W

Honestly fearing the worst because I’ve heard of like 2 people getting in for my major, however, if they’re just going to reject us, I don’t get why they’re waiting so long.
I’ve seen things saying that they should be coming out tomorrow, but at this point, I feel like they forgot about us or something. It’s killing me cuz CP is my top. Best of luck to all tho.

Heard back a couple days ago. 1440 SAT 3.9 unweighted

My friend who I think is in Marine Science heard back last week I believe! Should be any day for you

@pepphil7 Was it good news? Fingers crossed :slight_smile: Thank you for some hope :slight_smile:

My son has not heard either - ITP from withing school of business. Small major. I am hoping with the recent world changes Cal Poly will be adding more acceptances since many people will re-think how far they are traveling for school. International acceptances may decline and Cal Poly will want to make sure they still have stong #s for incoming class.

Still waiting to hear back- I applied for the food science major. Hoping more acceptances come out soon!

Still waiting. Applied for ARCH.

My son hasn’t heard yet either.

My son hasn’t heard back either. ECON major. 4.4 GPA ( weighted) 1470 SAT

same still waiting for my d’s decision. Ethnic studies major

Waiting hear too. Fingers crossed. Good luck to all

Still waiting- PSYCH major. Do you think they are still accepting this major? :frowning:

finally heard back today and was rejected. Cal poly really made me wait THAT LONG for a rejection. Stats: 1440 (Superscore), 31 ACT, 3.5 UW, 3.8 W, good extracurriculars, and community service related to my major. Think my GPA was the cause for rejection :confused:

Heard today. Not sure what went wrong…
Business Major…
4.0 GPA
All requirements fulfilled

I’m going to leave this on a couple of the forums that I’ve been following. My daughter was waitlisted for Cal Poly SLO and just received acceptance TODAY.

Do not loose heart, folks. She is out of state. Architecture.