Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

Wooot march 16?

Counterpoint: Last year’s freshman decisions started coming out March 3rd, this year’s freshman decisions starting coming out February 22nd. Last year there was a 2 week difference between freshman and transfer decisions, and today is 2 weeks from when freshman decisions came out this year. Not saying it will happen tonight, but there is definitely a chance they come out earlier than March 16th.

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There’s still a lot of freshman waiting to hear back, but I’m hoping it’s soon!

That’s how I was looking at it. The 2 week difference. Especially since some freshman have already began to get waitlisted but no harm in hoping for sooner!!


Here’s some data if you guys are curious. Cal Poly releases whenever they feel like it and follow no pattern whatsoever, so let’s just hope the release sooner than later and stop torturing us.

2018 (Waitlist Mania 2436/6643 [36.7%])

Freshman: March 2
Waitlisted: March 6 (4 days later)
Transfers: March 21 (15 days later) (Wednesday)

2019 (Waitlist 67/4976 [1.3%])

Freshman: March 2
Waitlisted: March 12 (10 days later)
Transfers: March 8 (4 days prior) (Friday)


Freshman: March 3
Waitlisted: March 11 (8 days later)
Transfers: March 16 (5 days later) (Monday)
Note: Technically they released on March 15 right before Midnight PST (Sunday)

2021 (Covid-19)

Freshman: Feb 23
Waitlisted: March 4 (9 days later)

Hopefully I got this data correct.


Thanks for the info! I was just looking back at the 2019 college confidential threads to see if there was a pattern.

So march 9 for transfer?

Good luck everyone! :upside_down_face:

GPA: 3.7
Applied Major: Political Science
IGETC: completed
Golden 4: A, A, B, C
Pre-reqs: completed, will have AA-T
Local: yes, Cuesta
Work: 21+ hrs a week, not major-related
EC: 21+ hrs with leadership positions

Anyone apply for liberal studies?

Whens the date?

What date?

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Ag business
Gpa: 3.9
Golden 4: A,A,A,A
Local: no, central California

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GPA: 4.0
Applied Major: Business Admin
IGETC: completed
Golden 4: A, A, A, A
Pre-reqs: completed, have my AS-T Highest Honors
Local: No, North Bay
Work: 21+ hrs a week, major-related
EC: 15+ hrs with leadership positions, major-related

Are First Years still hearing back?


Yah they started hearing back a couple weeks ago. They have also released waitlist for them. But some first years still have not heard back.

Based on my own experience (I applied as a freshman for fall 2019 and was rejected) Freshman who have not heard back by the time waitlists come out will most likely be rejected. I could be wrong, but that was my experience. So maybe that means transfers will be hearing back soon?? hopefully lol

@OMcG37 - You have great stats & have an excellent chance of getting accepted to OCOB (Orfalea College of Business)/

Yah I hope so too!! This waiting game sucks.

@CalPolySL0Bound how do you think my chances are?

GPA: 3.97
Applied Major: English
IGETC: N/A transferring from another CSU
Golden 4: A, A, A, A
Local: No, central cal
Work: 21+ hrs major-related