Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

i did!

Yeah I would LOL. Jk it’s in my history

@goosenaround - I am a current student at Cal Poly & I was a transfer who got accepted last year.

Your daughter’s stats are excellent - except for 1 thing… her major.
Computer Science at SLO is very difficult to get into. Last year, many 4.0 GPAs were rejected from Computer Science.

However, one of the best things in your daughter’s stats is that she selected “21+ hours of extracurricular related to the major.” Many of the people with 4.0 GPAs who were rejected had 1 common theme… they selected “No” when asked if their work or extracurricular were related to their major. Cal Poly SLO’s entire curriculum is “Learn By Doing” so they want to see applicants using their knowledge in the field of their major.

GPA: 3.89
Applied Major: Business Admin
IGETC: completed
Golden 4: A A A A
Local: no, Bay area
21+ hours of community service, Job relating to major


GPA: 3.89
Applied Major: Biological Sciences
IGETC: Completed
Golden 4: AAAA
Pre-Req’s: Two Remaining but will be completed this Spring
Local: No, Sac Area
16-20 Hrs Working (Not related to Major)
6-10 Hrs EC Activities (Related to my planned Career; Shadowed a local Dentist)

GPA 3.9
Major Sociology
IGETC completed fall 2020
golden 4:AAAA completed fall 2020
pre-reqs:AAAAA completed by fall 2020 plus concentration course
not local but CCC
little work not related
vice president of a student club

Hello :slight_smile:
GPA: 3.84
Applied Major: Animal Science
IGETC: Not applicable as I am trying to transfer from another 4-year university.
Golden 4: In-progress, A, A, A
Pre-reqs: A, In progress,A, A, A
Local: No, Sacramento region
Work: 1-5 hours/ week, related to major
EC: 16-20 hrs with leadership positions

damn I rlly thought at least some people would get some decisions today. Next week for sure then lmao.

I saw a few more High School students got notifications. Other than that it seems we may need to wait a bit longer unfortunately.

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I mean, last year the first wave came out at like 11:30 pm so who knows

yeah I’m confused whether or not they will send decisions for us anyways even though some freshmen haven’t heard back yet

so there is lowkey still hope for today LMAO.

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I hate how random SLO is with decision releases

SLO will notify you of their decisions in your portal first.
The next day, and sometimes 2 days later, you will receive an email.

So check your portal first, not your email.

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It’s highly doubtful you will get decisions this week. It’s too early & the Freshman are not finished getting theirs yet.

At the earliest, you will get decisions in the middle of next week. So you got another week & a half to do something else besides wait.


Wha rday?

Same, sac

March 16th @ 11:30PM are when decisions came out last year.

That’s another 9 days!

Didn’t transfers get their acceptance decision before freshman got their rejections last year?