Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

Think it’s gonna be next week?

Honestly yah, unless we are somehow hit with a surprise this week. High hopes for next Tuesday/Wednesday!

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at this point yeah :confused:

@Alipco1020 - Your stats are difficult to make an opinion cuz you have info. missing.

Your completion of IGETC & Golden 4 are great cuz Cal Poly doesn’t have to make a prediction on how you would do if you were still taking them this semester.

It really depends on if you answered Yes/No about your extracurricular/work being 25% related to your major.
Cal Poly’s motto is “Learn By Doing” so they want to see that you are going out there & working in your major.

oh okay… I did work 20+ hours just not related to my major but thank you for your input

Does the question about whether 25% of your work relate to your major really have that much of an impact? I’ve seen a lot of people say it does but it’s kind of hard to believe such a vague question will have a significant impact on your chances.


Same ahah I’m so worried about that now!!

None of us are in the room when decisions are made so we cannot confirm about the 25% related to your major question.

However, Cal Poly SLO is a very unique CSU. Nothing about them is traditional to the other CSUs. They are the only CSU on a quarter system. They are the only CSU that has unique labs dedicated to multiple majors:

  • Massive wind tunnel for Aerospace Engineering
  • Industrial machines for making cardboard packaging
  • Fleet of Cal Poly boats for Marine science majors
  • Cal Poly Pier that extends 3,000 feet into the ocean to conduct experiments

They are the only CSU with the reputation from employers that their students are
“Ready on Day 1.”

That small “25% related to your major” question carries a lot of weight for the above reasons listed. That question directly applies to their motto, “Learn By Doing.”

Many 4.0 GPAs who were rejected said they selected “No” to the question “25% related to your major.”


Thanks for all the input you have had on this whole thread, means a lot!


What would you say are the most impacted programs at cal poly?
And yes thank you for being so informative

@CalPolySL0Bound what concentration are you? I’m wondering if we know each other since we got in the same year for business!

Cal Poly SLO’s entire campus is impacted.
That means every major is an impacted major.

I am a Finance concentration in Business Administration & a Cal Poly Scholar.

I’m hoping to transfer as a philosophy major. I work full time (8-5), but completely unrelated to my major. How does one do a job related to bloviating about useless existential questions? I hope this 25 percent thing is geared towards more technical fields.

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When all of you start getting decisions whether - Accepted/Rejected - please say what your answer was to the 25% related to your major.

It will help next year’s applicants.

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Nice! I’m accounting!

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That actually makes a lot of sense, tho. CSUs in general are more application-based and prepare their students to go straight to work; the UCs, or research universities, are more theoretical and condition their students to go to grad school.

Has anyone else recently tried to check their portal and received a message that says “PeopleSoft is offline, the application server is down at this time” ?

Pretty common issue the past few days. It’s not a sign of new decisions, if that’s what you’re wondering.

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Gotcha, any idea how to remedy the issue?