Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

@hiheyhelloo - Excellent question.

Prerequisites are both the required & desired courses. But it depends on your major that you were working towards since each major will have different “desired” courses.

Usually, if you got your AA or AS, it includes all the desired courses with the required.

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@nardo972 - Managerial Accounting & Business Law are the 2 of the 3 major courses they require for Business Administration… the 3rd being Financial Accounting.

Not the best to have left 2/3’s of the courses in your major to be predicted. It would’ve been better to have left 2 GE’s. But because you have a 4.0, your past behavior is a predictor for future behavior so it’ll be easy for Cal Poly to predict that you will most likely get an A in both.

You said “Yes” to your work being “25% related to your major” so that’s a huge asset in your favor too. You also selected “Yes” to leadership positions… another asset working for you.

Although a Golden 4, Communications is the lesser of the Golden 4’s & your 4.0 makes things easier to predict.

You have a good shot at getting accepted to Cal Poly.

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Thank you so much! That means a lot and yah hopefully these three classes I am missing does not hurt me that much.

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I received two AA’s but I am taking one of the required courses (psychology) and one of the desired courses this spring? Do you estimate that will somehow hurt my chances since they have to predict those grades. I’ve also maxed out on all desired courses

Correction: will be receiving two AA’s with completion of this semester.

@hiheyhelloo - No, 2 courses (1 required; 1 desired) that need to be predicted will not hurt you. It’s fairly common.

It’s when you have that scenario added to other small situations, then it begins to add up.

What do you mean by you’ve maxed out on Desired courses?

Oh okay I see! Well I hope! :crossed_fingers:
I meant all the desired courses that were listed for my major I have already took or am in the process of taking (one course). For example, in one section of desired courses it says I have to take any 2 of the following 3 but I’ve done all 3 because for my major either way I will have to take that course in the future. I’ve basically done all desired courses even if it stated I only needed 1 to fulfill that section because for my specific major I will have to take it in the future either way. I’m not too sure if this makes sense but I’m a liberal studies major if that helps

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@hiheyhelloo - That is actually excellent that you took more desired courses than are required & that elevates your chances of getting accepted.

The required/desired courses are the minimum. You went above the minimum & Cal Poly loves that with applicants.

Also, when Admissions compares applications & you and someone else are neck-n-neck for who to select and that other person has completed all the required & desired courses which would make them a good candidate, you will stand out & prevail because you did everything that other person did… plus more!

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Yes I figured I might as well complete those courses at my CC if they were transferable. But thats great to hear! Whatever happens at least for my own peace of mind I’ll know I gave it my all! I even started a job right around the same time I started CC that related 100% to my major so I really gave it my all lol
Thank you so much for all your input though!! Can’t wait for decisions!
Hopefully we all receive good news :blush:


Once decisions are announced & everybody who was accepted settles down, I will help you navigate through the next phase.

There was very little support on here for what was next & Cal Poly doesn’t tell you until 3 weeks before you begin classes.


Are any transfers also veterans?

I saw some people talking up there about required/desired courses. Even though they are very important to get done and are considered the minimum, I just want to say that my friend who was accepted in March 2020, did not complete all of the required courses, completed zero of the desired courses and still got in. Her major was Environmental Management and Protection.

I know it definitely depends on your major but if you haven’t completed all required/desired courses, don’t lose hope! You could still get in.


I’m hoping for that! Good luck to everyone… anytime now!

CP has a 50/50 gender split, so being a her probably helped as well

FYI, They are not allowed by law to use gender as an admission factor. Prop 209.


seeing so many over qualified first years getting denied/waitlisted is kinda crazy.

What’s “overqualified” in this context? No SAT/ACT, everything is based off GPA. Those tests sort of separated the wheat front the chaff in an ocean of 4.0s, which us transfers found out is not really that hard to get if you just hunker down and do the work.


Cal Poly SLO is looking for very different criteria from Transfers than Freshman.

Don’t be alarmed that Freshman applicants with impeccable stats are waitlisted.

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Since the decisions for transfer came out on 16th (Monday) last year, there’s a possibility that ours will come tomorrow, 15th (Monday) right?

It’s pretty random year to year, as someone highlighted on a previous post on this thread. All we know is that decisions will come by April 1.

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