Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

Well, your stats are certainly more qualified than mine. Just sounds so superficial for you to lose that much cookie points because of that one class. Trying appealing if you get denied.

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@wildflower22 - There is an appeal process for those denied. The reason has to be ā€œsignificant & compellingā€ and something that is not on your application since they already evaluated your application.

You have a good reason & itā€™s not the same information on the application so it would be something new to evaluate.

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Does your COMM 100 class not satisfy Cal Polyā€™s ā€œOral Communicationā€ requirement?

this is a bit confusing. I put COMM1. The names vary from school to school

Mine was also called COMM which satisfied the Golden 4.

But determines which courses satisfy for each school because Assist has the articulation agreements for each school.

I think what truly sucks about this whole thing is that if Iā€™m going to be rejected I wonā€™t know that until the last minute. Iā€™d rather know that first just so I can really decide on what my life is going to look like in the next few months.


ya thatā€™s the problem; but i feel like the reason why is because they need to weed out all the applications n the first place.

Is anyone still holding out hope for tonight?


Iā€™m up doing homework late anyway, and I think they said 10:30 is when it came out last year soā€¦not hope as much as like might as well check around then since ill most likely be up anyway.

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ya Iā€™m check at 10:30 LOL

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Exactly!! It makes me so anxious to think that I might have to rethink my whole plan last minute!

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I feel like itā€™s kind of weird that UCā€™s and CSUā€™s donā€™t have the same SIR due date. Most times people apply to both so like we donā€™t get as long to choose if we are considering both.

UC laters because they feel like they have higher prestige. LOL

I agree with everyone else. If you happen to not get in for that reason you should definitely appeal!

Iā€™ll be up tonight anyways so weā€™ll see!

Iā€™m really going past my bedtime for this :tired_face:

Sf state came out with their decisions like a month after deadline. Seems like they accepted everyone who spelled their name correctly on the application.

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Just curiousā€¦did you guys turn in your application before nov 30 or before dec 15?

Before nov 30. Wish I knew they were gonna extend it, couldā€™ve used that time to improve my UC essays. Those essays were tough to write.

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I submitted before Nov 30th as well

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