Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

What other schools did you apply too? I may see you on other forums lol

I submitted mine right after nov 30
this kind of scares me a little :sob:

I submitted all my apps (4 cal states, 2 UC’s and 1 private) all by November 1st because that’s when I thought they were ALL due. I was so stressed out all October just to find out I had time on like half of them :woozy_face::joy:


Oh my gosh! Props to you lol I can only imagine how stressed you must’ve been :frowning:

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Cal, davis, Santa Cruz, sf state, and cal poly. Cal was just for laughs, and i didn’t know poly was that selective; I applied because I like the area and I was looking for something kinda far from home, but not too far.

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I wouldn’t worry about it! They extended it for a reason so they wouldn’t count it against you. You may end up getting your decision later but I don’t think the date you submitted would impact the actual decision!


I submitted all of mine (except one for another csu) after nov 30 too I believe

Yeah thats true. Thanks! :slight_smile:

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I think like @sciencegal23 said they extended it for a reason so it shouldn’t count against us

20 minutes to 1030. We’re pathetic lol.


20 mins but still nothing LOL

I might stay up to midnight. That’s when Santa Cruz starts notifying per their email. Come on, admissions gods, just give me one! You think it’s too late to sacrifice a chicken?

ya but what about slo? slo is maybe midnight

hahaha I am so anxious I want to hear back from somewhere


Slo, per our Ca poly guru, should be around 1030.

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Definitely should’ve charged my crystals more on the last full moon to be prepared for this :joy:
but also is Santa Cruz transfer admissions coming out tonight? I thought it was freshman?..idk how the UC app decisions work.


Santa Cruz transfer decisions come out on a rolling basis and they can start March 17th at midnight. They have a thread too!

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oh daaaaaaamn. okay, well here’s to hoping.

Do you guys know if the UC’s work the same way in terms of decisions as in: first acceptances, then waitlists, then denials?

Now I am sorry for telling all of you that Decisions came out at 10:30 PM Pacific. :rofl:

If they don’t come thru tonight, all of you are gonna be so tired tomorrow from stress. :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: