Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

10:30! Everyone go check your portals!!

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nothing :///


still nothing :confused:

Nothing here yetšŸ˜©

a big nothing


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nothing :confused: can they just let me know if iā€™m in or not D:

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So I guess we need to go through all of this again tomorrow

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lmao ill bring snacks


Just show me the

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider your application. We regret that we are unable to offer you admission. For additional options for students who were not selected visit:

Already :tired_face:


See ya tomorrow, it might be one of the last nights some of us get to dream about being at SLO.


Nothing here ugh

I donā€™t think Iā€™m actually gonna be able to sleep these next few nights lol

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Nothing! Get your pitchforks and letā€™s go to calpolyboundā€™s house!

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really tho xD

Imagine they tell us the last day of March :sob:

lmaoo i get rejected on my birthday

Could still be today just later time donā€™t give up yet. Or they could be waiting till next week?

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@torrss :point_left: :point_left: We got ourselves a real pessimist here! :rofl: Probably a Realist tho.