Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

Oh nice, my fav class ever was a creative writing class

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honestly u are all so nice and warm and welcoming i hope we all get in and become transfer buddies


now that you mention it, one of my worries is making friends after transferring


Same :frowning:

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that would be so nice! I had such a terrible experience my first time in college I would love to have some pals this time!


You guys are all nice! Honestly, Iā€™m a bit of an introvert and was always nervous about transferring cause I felt like everyone already had their groups. But after talking to all and realizing that there are so many other transfers who are so nice and just as nervous as me makes me so much less nervous!


@torrss - OK, I donā€™t know anything about either Davis or SLOā€™s English dept.

It was either Business Administration (SLO) or Managerial Economics (Davis) & I chose the major I wanted (Bus Admin.) not the school.

People thought I was crazy turning down a UC for a CSU but I stand behind my decision. The school name doesnā€™t make you. You make yourself in your career depending on what you do with it.


Same here! I am a bit of an introvert but I hope to make some friends via clubs etc


more so because I feel other students who have been first years have already friendships established and know the campus and vibe well

Iā€™m really moved by the stories Iā€™ve read here. I thought I was the only complete screw up at my first attempt at college, and now trying my luck at a tough university. Transfers are a special breed. We have the education money canā€™t buy, life.


couldnā€™t have said it better!

Same here!!

See and Iā€™m a lil older than everyone (28) so I feel weird trying to be friends with people but Id still like to make some study buddies etc and friends. Like I saidā€¦just awful first experience 10 years ago that makes me super apprehensive about academic environments. like ptsd almost hahaha


You made the right call. The Man. Econ major at Davis is not well-constructed, very unknown, and doesnā€™t attract a whole lot of attention. UC name doesnā€™t matter for that major there, since Davis isnā€™t known for it, and they donā€™t have an undergrad college of business so itā€™s offered through the college of agriculture. My friends in class of 2020 Man. Econ are still working minimum wage jobs.


I came into my first year at slo not knowing a soul and 2 years later I consider it a home. Keeping an open mind and being friendly is all it takes! Just remember youā€™re surrounded by people your age looking to make friends too.


Iā€™m sorry your first experience was so awful! I hope that everything goes better for you this round, iā€™m sure it will! :slight_smile: :blush:

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thank you iā€™ll keep that in mind!

I want to say Iā€™m a little older than most also (24) and feel the same way about feeling weird about making friends sometimes

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yeah I get so nervous and flustered. I just get really confused on how I should I approach people

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