Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

Especially after the year we had! We are gonna go back to in person learning after a year, at a new school, possibly in a new city, and want to make new friends! The good news is, there’s gonna be a ton of people in the same boat!

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Can they just release decisions already lol I’m sitting here shamming at work because I’m so anxious to hear back

that’s exactly what im looking forward too. I feel like everyone has been feeling cooped up so when we hopefully go to school in person everyone will want to socialize

Yes same here! Definitely open to making friends though :slight_smile:

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I want to go to sleep but my anxiety says no.

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lol yeah every time I close my eyes to fall asleep my anxiety is like not on my watch

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Just curious… what kind of emails did ya’ll get from poly?

In the beginning I got the your application has been uploaded to our database email…then to update grades on cal state apply email, and some mustang news emails…

Same for you guys?

yup same

Bit premature for this since no decisions yet:

Cal Poly SLO has a group dedicated only to transfer students.
It’s called Transfer-Mation & they meet every Monday evening at 6 PM just to hang out & talk about war stories with being in Cal Poly for their 1st quarter. Everybody is a Junior or Senior & all have transferred from somewhere.


as usual, good info! Will def look into this if I get in.

Checking one more time at 11:50 then going to sleep lol


I probably won’t be able to sleep for much of the night. Not because of excitement, but because I usually can’t sleep if I’m still awake by a certain time, usually 12.

god damn I thought decisions came out since I saw so many messages lmao

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lol nope sorry, we are just not okay😂


Also I wanted to say since I know a lot of people applied to Davis too! I made a UC Davis transfer thread and it’s in the UC transfers sections so check it out and we can all talk again when the time comes!


for sure!

Do you guys have like a family university? Most of my folks went to Irvine. It’s funny how they all end up there.

I’m the only person who’s been in my entire family :joy:…like even extended :woman_shrugging:t2:

Oh nice, that will increase your chances