Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

Both of my closest cousins went to Irvine too! That’s where I tagged. But I wouldn’t really say I have a family university.

im currently the black sheep of my family :skull:

we really are not okay LOL

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Five cousins in Irvine, and one more probably on the way

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I’ve heard this! But not sold on it. My grades from 18 year old me really drag a girl down.

what kind of shows do you guys like

We should start a group me so we can grieve together for decision releases :o

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I actually watch more YouTube. I’m really into these vanlife/travel blog people. They have interesting lives.

that sounds pretty cool I’ve been watching anime

At the moment I’m into the show all american!

isn’t the next season coming out soon

An acquaintance of mine sold her house to furnish up a nice van and basically lives at an indoor skydiving facility now lol. She just does that like every day. Wouldn’t catch me dead living in a van for that long but it’s certainly interesting.

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It’s already out! It’s not on netflix yet though you have to watch episode by episode weekly lol

If I was a 17 yo freshman in college I’d totally do it to save money.

It could be nice for sure. I think there’s a lot of small things that would get tiring though, like lack of private stretch space, always using public bathrooms, etc. Plus, furnishing a van is actually pretty expensive too.

Alright 5 more mins…

Definitely more of the hippy variety lifestyle.

Another advantage slo has over NorCal schools is living situation. Apartments here are crazy. 3200 for a one bedroom.

I think the people who read over this thread next year are gonna be very confused with us lol

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I haven’t done anything for the last hour at work because I’ve been hoping to hear back already and stalking discord and this thread lol sadlife

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same. I never stay up this late…but I’m so anxious