Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

honestly not expecting any more decisions to go out until the morning but i’ll be up late studying. i’ll update if anything comes through either way.


same, i’ll be up until late and can update this thread if anything happens

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i check like every three minutes bc the anxiety is wack


So what does it mean if we haven’t heard back yet? Will it be similar to freshmen decisions where the next wave will be all waitlists? That is what I am expecting at this point…

I feel like they have only made decisions for business and science and things of that nature. What’s your major? Mine is history and in the same boat as you

nobody really knows but acceptances will be rolling. that means you might get skipped over in the waitlist releases and be part of the next release of acceptances.

thank u SO MUCH for this shred of hope, i really need it LOL

My major is economics and I am really hoping that there will be another batch of acceptances.

I’m a bio major and I haven’t hear back yet either

also bio here… not a word

Business admin major here

Someone on Reddit got in for Computer Engineering. Wonder if any CS majors got?haven’t heard of any CS major getting any updates.

tbh there does not seem to be a common factor between those got admitted today. i truly think it might just be a random pool that got their acceptances.


lol tbh i didn’t get mine yet 10:30 ■■■■■! 12 incoming!

Any psych majors get accepted yet?

I saw at least one computer science acceptance here.

Edit: There are two as of 10:45 PM PDT.

same here I haven’t heard back yet

I don’t think I’m gonna check anymore for tonight at this point lol

I’m psych and i haven’t heard yet. Someone on this thread said they got accepted today though

same here :expressionless: