Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

I noticed on another thread that we applied to a lot of the same schools. This waiting game is gonna happen so much more! hahaha ugh

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i donā€™t wanna check any of my portal anymore lol its making me feel icky


i canā€™t take another day of this

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I donā€™t want to read ā€œNo determination has been made at this timeā€ again hahaha


do you guys who are waiting expect to get in or are you borderline? My Stats are good and I havenā€™t heard yet :frowning: making me scared

Yeah? I saw only computer Engineering could you reply to the CS ones?

iā€™d say my stats are solid, but you just never know with cal poly lol

do you mind me asking what they are

my stats are solid but i honestly think cal poly can be random. almost like a lottery

nothing :frowning: does this mean iā€™m rejected lol

could you link please?

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iā€™m a 4.0 psych major with my AA-T but iā€™m not local and my work isnā€™t related to my major

Iā€™m a 4.0 history major and my work isnā€™t related either

Got accepted 3/17 at 7:31 pm!

GPA: 3.89
Major: Politcal Science
IGETC: Complete
Golden 4: AAAA
Local: No, LA County
Work: No
EC: No
Leadership: No

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Yeah ofc
GPA: 3.84
Major: Animal Science
IGETC: NA (iā€™m transferring from a UC)
Local: no, NorCal
Golden 4: In progress, A,A, A
Pre-recs- in progress, in progress, A, A, A
Work: 1-5 hrs/week related to major
EC: 16-20hrs/ week with leadership positions!

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You guys have great stats. Donā€™t be so worried about it all. Admissions decisions come out randomly and nobody knows what the criteria is. Give it some time, thereā€™s no proof that the later admits have worse stats than the earlier ones.

iā€™d say you have a great chance so donā€™t take it personally if you donā€™t get it, it can be random

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Try this.

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Hey congrats! Did you get an email or checked the portal?

I have a 4.0 and iā€™m a bio major. Donā€™t have the work related to my major tho.