Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

Thank you! So worried that I haven’t received any decision yet. Are you CS as well?


CS here as well, no decision

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And you’ve got in?

Phew thought I was just he only one

Y’all should get it tomorrow. Your stats are impressive.

No decision yet. This is exciting y’all my goodness.

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Almost all the CSU’s are like a lottery atm. I know someone who didn’t get into CSULB with a 3.8 but someone else got in with a 3.4 with the same major.

i’ve heard similar stories. so i’m trying to prepare myself for either way :wink:

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It seems to me that more people in this thread haven’t heard back in comparison to the people who have gotten accepted already which is somewhat relieving but still worried haha

CS applicant here, also havent heard anything yet

submit all currently completed transcripts, you’ll submit this semester after its over

There is one civil and one computer engineer accepted on our discord as well.

link to discord?

ill ask if i anyone minds if i share.

I saw a video once of how it’s like in the decision room. Each officer is given like a batch of application to go over, then they come together and vote on each app. But a lot of times they’re arguing amongst each other about apps they like and eventually want to approve. I think that’s why the decisions are scattered and why the rejections come out so late, because someone might be fighting for your app to the bitter end. It really is amazing to think how years of your hard work can come down to a single admissions officer’s mood that day, or if your app falls in the hands of an officer that relates to you.

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i got in as CS…

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We’ve done all we can. It’s all in the hands of god now.

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Just now?

@SoCalSteve - Admissions officers are not God.
Although, they may think so.


Lmaoo yeah this waiting game is gonna take a toll. Good luck!!