Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

iswtg if we don’t hear tmrw

“I swear im gonna break my monitorrr”

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around 6:30 PST

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I applied last year and got in fall 2020. I applied with a 2.84 GPA, and it updated to a 3.3. Surprisingly, I also got into Long Beach as well. I decided not to go because of school being online for a year and didn’t want to spend my first year that way, so I rescinded my admission offer and decided to apply again for fall 2021. The local community colleges near Calpoly are great if you want to transfer to Poly. If you really really want to go to the university, then I suggest coming to cuesta or Hancock college and then transfer over. I have three friends that are in my classes and they all got in for engineering. And our GPA isn’t the best ( 3.2, 3.0, 3.85).

Who do you think decides which officer picks up your packet or what mood guides their decision?

@gml9769 - Awesome. Welcome to the Family - again. You’re the 1st I’ve heard who got accepted during COVID, rescinded, & got accepted again.

I got in last year & have been attending for 1 year in Business Administration.

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I was talking to a CalPoly advisor who said a lot of people go to Cuesta/Hancock so they have a better chance at getting into CalPoly. She said it does nothing for your chances of transferring. There is no agreement between those schools and CalPoly and you will find no favoritism.

Their psychiatrist who prescribes them their mood-altering, anti-depressant meds.

@gml9769 How did you have 60 units completed and still have room to take classes for two more semesters at a CC/JC? I have three classes I can take before I run out of courses and have to transfer!

“ For the seventeenth year in a row, transfer students from Allan Hancock College had the highest transfer acceptance rate in the state to Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo among community colleges that transfer a significant number of students to the respected university. Hancock’s transfer acceptance rate of 50.6 percent was more than triple the state average of 15.6 percent.“ this is from this link 17 and Counting: Hancock Students Achieve State's Highest Transfer Acceptance Rate to Cal Poly for 17th Straight Year
There is no favoritism, but maybe a coincidence :thinking:
15 engineering students from last year got in to cal poly from my cc, which is crazy to me.

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What do you mean run out of courses and have to transfer? There is absolutely no limit of the amount of courses you may complet at a CC/JC before transferring to any CSU or UC.

Also, did you get in? I remember you’re the veteran.

I ran out of courses to transfer 1 year before I applied. 60 units is the minimum, not the maximum.
So I took 1 course each semester just to keep myself enrolled in school. One of them was a 2-unit Excel course.

If it’s okay with you can you post your stats pls

This year I took some technical electives. I took welding, machining and drafting. The welding and machining classes were offered on campus but with limited students. I also took some extra engineering course that are not required for my major (strength of materials, dynamics) or at least not needed to transfer. I got in last year without dynamics, strengths, autocad, machining and welding.

Wow. This is incredible. I’d totally be living in SLO right now had I not been fed BS from faculty.

There is no limit to taking courses at a community college but CSU’s & UC’s will only accept maximum 70 transferable units. I have 100 units from my community college but Cal Poly SLO accepted only 70 of them. They chose which 70.

I haven’t heard back yet, so I assume thats a “try again next year”. I realize there is no limit to the number of classes one can take, but there is a limit to the number of useful classes one can take. I’ll need Math 6/7, Phys 4C, and I think the rest are classes directly related to my major.

you can only transfer 72 over for csu

Cuesta & Hancock community colleges are referred to as Feeder Schools to Cal Poly SLO.
They supply the largest transfer pool to Cal Poly SLO.

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Thanks for the clarification! I know about the transferable unit max. I am a fair bit above that lolol. I was sorta confused on how you guys were talking about it because it almost seemed like you were talking about a hard cap. In my experience, taking a whole variety of classes to meet the pre-reqs for a bunch of different schools, it’s basically inevitable to get over 70 unless you only target a couple of schools.

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