Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

any sociology majors heard back yet?

Any child development majors? I hope everyone hears soon D:

Best of luck everyone! Hope today is the day for us


Wow, almost a thousand posts. Cal poly seems to be a real dream school for a lot of people.

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Yes, it is my dream school. I just love the area it is in and not to far away from home. Iā€™m from the Bay Area btw.

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Iā€™m in the same boat as you. Iā€™m from Santa Cruz and Cal Poly is my dream school. I didnā€™t get in my senior year and I was devastated so Iā€™m hoping to get in this year. I have a 3.85 GPA this year and I am a business major, but I only took business calc and thatā€™s making me doubt myself


@karinab1 - Donā€™t doubt yourself. I took Business Calc instead of regular Calc & I got accepted to Cal Poly SLO.

Did a bunch of people from last years transfer hear the next day too?

@mobties666 - Yes, batches of decisions came out every day for about 4 or 5 days, then some remnants trickled out 1 week after the 1st batch was released.

I wish you guys could understand that all of this is really normal. But I get emotions are running high.


I have confidence in you guys. Keep your heads up. Remember, this big dummy got in with a 3.35.


hehhh yes so paranoid! A bunch of people even got waitlisted the next day :frowning:

I feel like a lot or this has to do with Cal Poly being arguably the strongest CSU and contending with the top half UCs on most majors. A lot of people donā€™t wanna pay that UC tax. Couple that with the Bay Area kids like me chasing prestige close to home but who are unlikely to get into Stanford or Berkeley, the beautiful location, and the SV job connections and you got a pretty great, achievable dream school in comparison to Cal.


@CalPolySL0Bound Are you currently living at SLO or home doing online learning?

Any CAFES majors still waiting?

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@emilay45 - I am home & we go to class on Zoom so we still have meeting times & days. Cal Poly had a major breakout of COVID in the dorms that got so bad that they had to empty an entire dorm building so they could stick the COVID kids in that building for isolation.

It was not effective - the dorms were infected.

It sounds like best CSU is between slo and Long Beach, but slo has the sexy stem fields locked down, so it probably wins.

yup, still waiting, Iā€™m assuming you are too??

Iā€™m the same, I applied my senior year and didnā€™t get in and now am hoping it will work out!!Youā€™ve got this! Good luck to you!

Will slo move to in-person by fall, or it hasnā€™t been determined yet?

yes and im stressedā€¦ it wouldnā€™t let me reply sorry for the lag

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