Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

Oh wow I did not know this! Definitely have to start figuring it out now and digging into courses I need to take in the fall. Thanks for sharing this or else I clearly wouldn’t have known!

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no not yet! -_- I’m so nervous

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I’ve been stalking this form for weeks now and finally made an account to join everyone, you guys have been so helpful. I haven’t been accepted yet but I am hoping for the best.


Parent here. First good luck to everyone. Getting accepted as a transfer is incredibly hard, and everyone should be proud of the work they’ve put in to get this far. My oldest child applied as a transfer two years ago as a Business major with a 3.8 GPA and was waitlisted. Although disappointed at the time she’s graduating CSUF in June and in the end was happy to stay at home. My second child applied this year and was accepted last night! Cal Poly was her top pick so she’s thrilled. She was working all day yesterday so the wait was killing us (me more than her I think!) She found out half way though her work shift but didn’t get to tell us till she got home at 8:30pm.

Status: Accepted
Major: Liberal Studies - Child Development
GPA: 4.0
AS-T: No
Pre-reqs: Complete
Golden Four: A, A, A, A
Local: No - Orange County
20+ hours of work per week - major related
EC: 20 hrs
Leaderships: Yes


Major Business Admin- Marketing Concentration
GPA 3.84
IGETC- complete
Golden 4- A,A,A,B
AS-T, yes, in progress
Pre-Req- two left
Local-No, Orange County
Work 21+ hours, not major related
No EC or leadership bcs Covid :confused:
I feel like I don’t have as many extras and may be relying on grades, I just hope that it is enough

For those Admitted —

Transfers do not have their own Flowcharts dedicated to them. Only 1st Year students (Freshman). But you can use their Flowchart as a guide. Just use to compare your courses to their Freshman & Sophomore years. Then begin from the Junior year for yourselves.

Do not be alarmed that there is a course or 2 in the Freshman & Sophomore years that you have not taken. That is normal. Cal Poly is unique. You’re not behind.


YAY congrats to your daughter! Thank you for sharing her stats. I noticed many people in that major don’t post on here or forget to post stats. So I’m sure that’ll be super helpful for future applicants. I’m also a Liberal Studies major and most likely will be concentrating in Child Development!

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I’d be wary on taking everything “calpolyslobound” posts to heart. I just made this account as a Senior transfer student myself to clarify that not everything they say is even true. The admissions process is hardly disclosed and varies based on different criteria. Additionally there ARE transfer flowcharts for a decent amount of engineering majors (ie mech civil ). Good luck to everyone with admissions!

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Correct - Be wary!
Do your own research instead of taking what 1 person says as Gospel.

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I think im gonna leave my house because i can’t keep sitting here checking this site😂


Yet nothing right?

nothing updated yet for me

Nothing here either. Doesn’t seem like there has been a second wave yet

Hi All, I’m hoping you guys get another wave today at 7:30pm like yesterday! @calpolyslobound do you have any idea what the deposit amount is on Decision Day? I can’t find it anywhere on the website and as we have no idea of Financial Aid awards yet, would be good to plan? Any ideas. And I’ll be checking back later to see all the other acceptances. Good Luck!

I have emailed the head of Admissions with your question. They said there is no deposit to accept Admission.

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I know yesterday people got their acceptance emails at 7:30pm ish, but the actual decisions on the portal went out around 6:20 right?

Correct - 6:23 PM. But that’s when they 1st started posting so it was actually a little bit earlier than that.

Okay thanks! Hopefully they come out with another release, I will try to distract myself till then :slight_smile: lol


Yah I remember checking once before 6 pm yesterday and then checked again at 6:23 and my portal was updated. So maybe another wave comes at around 6 pm hopefully!

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