Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

I looked at Reddit and only saw people within art/architecture/etc get accepted last night, so maybe it was just the majors that needed portfolios!


Also, I had a question. For English major requirements it says I need introduction to classical literature. I’m attempting to transfer from csu Monterey Bay and I looked through the catalog and we don’t have a class by that name. I’m currently taking two courses that I think may be close enough? Shakespeare & multicultural adolescent literature. :slight_smile:

It might be listed on assist?

Hope y’all hear back! It’s been a couple days since I posted on here but I’m seriously rooting for you guys.


Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s my April fools joke to be honest


is there anyway to find out what waitlist priority you’re in? I got waitlisted for SDSU first day and people recently got waitlisted yesterday too.

i think it has to do with how they ranked your application rather than when you waitlisted. so the highest ranked apps on the waitlist will be accepted first. there is no way to see your position unfortunately.

Nothing yet?

nope nothing on my end

nothing still :frowning:

nothing here :sleepy:

at this point i’m thinking the worst for myself

Last year’s thread showed Acceptances on the 16th, 17th, & 23rd.

Then Waitlists on March 25th

Then denials on March 27th.

However, Software Engineer majors still had no determination on March 30th & nobody came back to say if they were ever admitted or rejected.

Most likely, we’ll see waitlists this week, probably tomorrow, and then rejections until the end of March.

Have some data about this “second wave of acceptances”, but I won’t post it until it’s confirmed that it won’t happen this year either.

Sorry i’m kind of confused what you are saying?

I do think things are slightly different this year regarding the pandemic. It has made everything a lot slower - processes are different. I would like to stay hopeful and think that may be a reason for a delay.


I totally agree. If I get rejected then oh well, it wasn’t meant to be. But i’m not going to give up hope now because not hearing back at this time is not automatically a rejection. There still may be another release of acceptances
 there’s no way for us to know.


I have a feeling they are going to release the second wave tomorrow. Maybe they will come @ 6:23 pm like last week. If I don’t get anything by next week, then I most likely got rejected ):


With how long it has been, feeling the same thing. Hard to be optimistic.

I mean honestly, why are they taking this long to just say no I’m sure they’ve already made decisions and what is the point to drag it out this long for rejections and waitlisters 
 sad maybe next time folks :// but also anything is possible till the 1st of April