Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

I would love to see that data now if you don’t mind.

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Probably not the best thing to dangle information about acceptances while people are on pins & needles waiting to hear if they’ve been accepted.


Yeah I do too, but also unsure how someone can even have this so called “data” unless they are an admissions officer.

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The data basically says that for the last 4 years, based on me looking through the college confidential threads, there’s only 1 wave of acceptance. I never see anyone post another acceptance unless they submit a portfolio for their application.

I don’t want to post a long rant because who knows, maybe with covid, there is another acceptance wave this year, against all odds. So I’d rather wait to see the next wave, be it acceptances or waitlists. before posting my long rant.


Hopefully there are some more acceptances waiting for us. :frowning:


I just read through almost all of the 2020 transfer thread, and unless I missed something, it seems you are right. All of the acceptances came out in about a 12 hour period, waitlists the next day, and then one Architecture student a week later, likely due to portfolio. Not looking good for us that haven’t heard back :sweat:

I am sure there will be slightly more acceptances but , UC’s haven’t even came out yet and cal poly slo isn’t the only good school out there. I know we will all end up where life takes us (: with that I am signing off and i have not been active at all this whole thread but I am still waiting to hear for aerospace engineer. fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:


But I only care about Cal Poly :disappointed_relieved:

That being said, I also looked at 2016 and it seems like a weird year that did have multiple days of acceptances. Who knows. My monke brain is still willing to hold onto that tiny atom of hope that I haven’t been rejected :pray:.


I feel like barely any have gone out tho! Like between Reddit, Twitter, Instagram, & this site, I feel like there’s still hope


I think people are confusing waves & days.
Last year, acceptances came out in 3 waves or on 3 days, depending on how someone looks at it.

  • March 16, 17, & 23.

Architecture was the last confirmed acceptance cuz they had portfolios to review which are the applicant’s projects they’ve done over the years. But Software Engineers still didn’t have an answer on March 30th.

But this year is undeniably 1 wave or 1 day (depends on how you look at it) cuz people were accepted in only a 90 minute window on March 17th from 6PM to maybe 7:30PM & so very few people were accepted. This year is very bizarre.

Definitely something I meant to put in my last post but didn’t, reading through last year’s thread, there seemed to be many more acceptances than there are in this one, which gives hope

i wonder if they are just acceptig less people this year bc of covid

Yeah, I noted that too. Last year had around double the amount of acceptance posts. Pretty strange considering how active we are this year with Covid (1350 posts and we haven’t even posted Waitlists or Rejections) compared to like 600 for the entirety of last year.

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Hello everyone, first time posting but I’ve been watching this forum for awhile to see whats up.
I’m a nutrition major and I was accepted last year with even less credits and desired course (I now have everything completed) and my GPA is the same. I couldn’t go because I had to drop a required course due to COVID-19. Been a SLO county local since elementary school.
Has any other Nutrition or food science majors heard anything? I got my acceptance email on March 20th last year if that helps anyone.
I’m extremely nervous. Been in community college for 5 years and this has been gut-wrenching.


5 years too!!! sorry I don’t have a major related to yours but because you’ve been a local for so long I’m sure that plays a huge part. I wouldn’t worry


Don’t believe any transfers has posted nutrition major here or on reddit. Doesn’t make sense you haven’t heard yet with the same GPA, though, especially since locals get priority.

But what does Cal Poly do that makes sense in regards to admissions…?


After Cal Poly accepted you last year, did they rescind their offer once you told them you dropped the required course?

Essentially. One woman was very kind and we tried to get a summer course under my belt but it was not gonna happen.
My portal is still the same and under last years application states “as per your request, we have removed your application.”

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My biggest concern is my GPA only being at 3.2 and my work hours not being related to y major. But it was the same thing lst year so I am hoping that’s not what keeps me this time. One of the reasons for my low GPA is due to all the math courses I took while a STEM major before i switched.
Idk, I feel like I have a lot going for me but also a lot against me.

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I got into Nutrition on the 17th around 7:30, but stay positive! My roommate is still waiting for CS as well, hoping tomorrow we will know, good luck :smile: