Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

Not true! Local here with semi decent GPA and I will most likely be rejected.

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when did you decision come out last year?

I Have a couple of friends waiting to receive any type of notice. And they are local as wel

If I could throw hands with one school it would be slo. I wish they could explain their reasoning behind these agonizing decision waves.


I really donā€™t know what they are looking for either. I think they may be placing A LOT more emphasis on work experience and volunteering and things like that. On the academic aspect, I have a good GPA and all required courses doneā€¦ although I do not have a lot of ECā€™s or work experience in the field. I could be wrong but I feel like it plays a big part. Idk


Since I am already in from last year, I will be the one to put it out there & do this on behalf of all of you who have been left in limbo & with acid refluxā€¦

:fu: SLO


Youā€™re sweet, Mx. Bound. Thank you.

Edit: Totally agree that they should take more responsibility for the unpredictability of their admissions process.


Not holding my breath on it but maybe weā€™ll get some news tonightšŸ˜³

lol weā€™ve been saying that for a week straight


Iā€™m not going to check again until someone on here gets a decision lol


Iā€™m about to slide admissions $10 to drop the decisions


Yes, I got in for political science on March 17th. It does seem that being local is really helpful - I know a few people from Cuesta whoā€™ve gotten in and none of them (including me) had perfect stats.

do you have a Facebook? I heard cal poly housing group is a great place to look for housing. Iā€™m currently looking for a room or roomates.

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So forgive me if this has already been covered but isnā€™t there usually a wave of transfers who get waitlisted? I havenā€™t seen that this has happened yet but maybe I missed somethingā€¦just checkingā€¦

@kcl805 - Yes, last year, the wave of Waitlisted came out the day before rejections.

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hi guys, I have been stalking but has the site gone down today like it does weekly? Havenā€™t been able to check

Yes the site goes down every Wednesday night

ah okay, so it went down for maintenance tonight too?

Mine is back up? Did you check recently? Still no decision though ://

I havenā€™t been able to check all day, it is up now but I was wondering if it ever went down in the first place