Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

Absolutely! You will forfeit your deposit though.

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Ahhhh, ok, great to know! Thank you!

I donā€™t know - Iā€™ve heard from multiple students who had different stories.

They said they stayed on the Waitlist at their #1 college, but accepted admission to their #2 college & held out to be taken off the Waitlist & accepted by July 15th.

The drawback was that they would lose their deposit at their #2 but itā€™s usually only $100. Some are $250 though. I never found out what the final outcomes were.

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With covid and all of the weirdness with this yearā€™s admissions, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if there are a lot of changes this year with applicants. I am sure the universities are aware and planning for it!

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still no determination on my endā€¦ prolly got rejected
mech e
4.0 gpa
prereqs complete
golden 4s complete
16-20 hrs of major related work
1-5s voluteer in leadership position

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3.9 Aerospace Major here. Nothing yet either, but to be honest, unless a miraculous 2nd wave of acceptances comes out, Iā€™ve pretty much made up my mind about accepting Cal Poly Pomonaā€™s offer and Iā€™m genuinely excited about it :grimacing:.

From what Iā€™ve read, their Aerospace program is right up there with SLO. The only downside to Pomona that Iā€™ve heard is that itā€™s a commuter school, but as a transfer student who just turned 30 Iā€™m really just looking to get my degree and get on with my life! Like everyoneā€™s been sayin, weā€™re going to end up where weā€™re meant to be and the more I think about the more I believe it. I wish you all the best of luck! There are tons of amazing GPAs here, be proud of what youā€™ve accomplished and donā€™t let a single school get you down. There are many amazing universities here in Cali :ok_hand:t4:


omg no determination still. shoot. I donā€™t mean to sound over confident but I really thought I had a shot :frowning_face:
english major
3.95 gpa
non local
all pre reqs completed by end of this semester
Golden 4 A A A A-
21+ work related experience

I just donā€™t understand with those Stats. :point_up_2:

Who looks at those Stats & says, no thatā€™s not what weā€™re looking for.


does anyone know if being on the waitlist means a waitlist of only transfers? or did we get combined with the freshmen now?

I am not sure if you over 25 but cal poly has the worst age discrimination going on with accepting only 3% of applicants over 25! Donā€™t let their lack of diversity bring you down! By comparison SDSU is 10% and is nationally recognized for diversity.


Idk if I ever put all my stats on here or not now that I am thinking about itā€¦ but I guess I will if I havenā€™t lol - also still waiting for a decision and am most likely rejected at this point

Major: Biological Sciences
GPA: 4.0
Prereqs: completed
IGETC: Will be done by the end of spring
Golden 4: A A A A
Local: no, LA area
Work: 10-15 hrs (not major related)


Excellent question - Send an email to

She is the head of Admissions & she has been there for a while. If anyone knows, it would be her. Her name is Roberta Richey-Hamilton.

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Transfer waitlist is separate from the Freshman.


I truly do not know what more they could want from you, that makes no sense


does anyone know what the other mech e stats were that got accepted bc im lowkey confused as to why i didnt get in and i feel like i cant appeal anything because there is nothing wrong

CP Institutional Research Projections thing is out for Fall. It shows how many students they are planning on letting into each major. You can check yours and see how many got in vs how many applicants. For my major, they only let in 17 transfers out of 337 applicants, so like a 5% acceptance rate :open_mouth:


Wow CS had a 3.7% acceptance rate, kinda happy I even got waitlisted then lol

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How do you guys calculate the acceptance rate from the table?

So weird for those of us that have great stats and havenā€™t heard anything. Perhaps another wave of waitlists will come out? Or will this be it?

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number of transfer students CP plans on accepting in your major divided by total transfer applicants in your major

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