Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

my works even related to my major so i’m like okay literally what else could they want to me

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Dang yeah, I’m sorry! What other schools did you apply to?

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Yep! Lots of freshman and transfer may have great stats, 3.9+, and get rejected from everything but UCLA or UCB. They know where you want to go so they’re gonna waste an acceptance on you

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I got into CSULB, CPP, and Humboldt
Waitlisted at SDSU and still waiting to here from UC’s. I know I’ll have good options I’m just really surprised to see all these people with 3.9-4.0’s getting waitlisted or flat out denied.

any straight up rejections yet or acceptances today?

whoa… it looks like some majors only accepted like 10-15 transfers. or am I reading it incorrectly?

I’m 19 so not applicable, but gosh that is disappointing to hear. So sorry for everyone over 25 to have to deal with such bs

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Oh cool congrats on your acceptances so far! I also got into CSULB, as well as UCR and UCSC. Waiting to hear back from cal poly slo obviously as well as the rest of the UC’s (except I didn’t apply to UCM), and USC too. Did you apply to all the UC’s? I’ll probably see you in other threads too then.


I applied to UCSC, UCD, UCI (TAG), UCLA, and UCB. I didn’t apply to UCR, UCM, or UCSB. :slight_smile:

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Gotcha! I also tagged UCI :slight_smile:


I also tagged to UCI.

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@user_364742 this is correct. You can look at former years and see that this isn’t too uncommon. They let in about 5 times as many new freshman as they do transfers. They’re expecting to let in 1,000 transfers out of about 14,000 applicants.


now i feel better about getting probably denied. especially since my major let in only 15 transfers and the prioritize local students, i didn’t stand a chance. i just wish i knew that before applying.

Oh, wow! I did not know they accepted SO MUCH more freshman than transfers. I wonder why it’s so unbalanced between the two groups?


cuz they suck :smiley:

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Oh god… they’re targeting only 6 transfers for Antho/Geo😅


well they definitely get more income from freshman being there 4 years vs transfer being there for 2

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best of luck! i’m sure you’ll get into many of your UC schools if not all!

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what does the NTR and FTF mean?