Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2021

still no determination…

@sciencegal23 - You have been one of the most active on this thread. I think this entire thread has been rooting for you. I know that I have.
Cal Poly really did a disservice to themselves & to the rest of our student body by not giving you an acceptance.

You should send Cal Poly your UC acceptance letters accompanied by a cow pattie from Cal Poly’s Animal Science pastures. You will be just fine without us, but we will be taking the Loss without you.

Below is not something that should be rejected.
@sciencegal23’s Stats:
Major: Biological Sciences
coming from CCC
GPA: 4.0
Golden Four: AAAA
Pre Reqs: completed
IGETC: will be done by spring


agreed. cal poly missed out. i’m assuming yield protection because i can’t see any other reason to pass on a student like those credentials. major loss for them and their bio sci program.

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Is there anybody who has not gotten the decision yet?
I am afraid I wont even get the decision by today…

Omg i’m gonna cry!! You are so nice, thank you so much for that. I really have so much joy in my heart to have been able to have been a part of this thread and have been able to talk to some amazing people. I have talked so much on this thread but i’ll still be popping in just to stay a part of this community. Again, thank you so much for all the kind words… really made my day :blush:


since i haven’t posted my stats yet


Major: Biological Science
Coming from: CCC but former UC student of one year. (1 year at UCR + 2.5 years at CCC. All major prep courses completed at CCC)
GPA: 3.8
Golden 4: AAB + one ap test
Pre reqs: completed this spring + extra coursework in the sciences
IGETC: not eligible due to being a former university student but all GE’s done
Local: no, San Diego
Work: 20+ per week 100% major related
EC: Yes + Leadership Positions

my stats are weird given my former university status and i had to report some dual enrollment classes. i took early in high school like 7 years ago so it brought my gpa down a bit, not sure if cal poly counted those classes for my gpa or not even though they were on my csu app. i waited to post my stats bc they’re kind of not conventional so i’m not sure if they’re much help to anyone.

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if you don’t hear by tomorrow i would contact the admissions office for sure


No decision yet for my daughter who is a transfer student applying to ME.

To ALL majors

I figure you guys are some awesome people, so I wanted to let an opportunity out for anyone who wants it.

Are there any students in the Bay Area interested in an engineering-related internship? It’s in compliance for consumer technology and is mainly geared towards EEs but may be beneficial for any engineering major who doesn’t have anything super prestigious lined up for summer of 2021 already. It’s at the largest compliance lab in SV and this company is the largest safety/certification company in the world.

All majors accepted. Hell, you guys know I’m business admin yet I’m a fully-blown full-timer here. Intern pay at $16/hr(night shift add on 8%), only drawback is 12 hour shifts are mandatory(fat OT money though) and one day a weekend is expected.

If so, please DM/PM me for details, thanks.


We all got Thanos snapped lol

Awww what the heck… I couldn’t respond earlier thanks to CC’s stupid rule about new users. But here’s my socials:

Instagram: gareth_solo

Facebook: Gareth G. Waughan


Sciencegal, was cal poly your top choice? I’m sorry it didn’t work out for you, especially with your damn near perfect stats. One thing I’ve learned through this whole experience is college admissions is the most unpredictable thing I’ve ever witnessed. I have a friend who got rejected at CSUs and lesser UCs for computer science, then got accepted in the most prestigious, famous, and influential program in the world, Berkeley. So weird.


No, I wouldn’t say it was my top choice so i’m totally okay with the decision! I applied to a lot of schools cause I wanted to keep my options open. I don’t have a top choice or anything, just going to wait to see where I get in and then decide from there :slight_smile:


That’s a really good mindset to have throughout this process. I felt the same way about cal poly.


hi! first i talked about how their learn by doing motto fits what i want in my education and connected it with specifics from my work experience since we weren’t asked about it in the orignal app. i really drilled in what i liked about slo and why i think this would be a great school for me.

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Ah, okay, options are good. I was on an application fee budget so I could only afford so much stretch schools.

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Crazy how they rejected you with a 4.0 and waitlisted me with a 3.9. The system is rigged.


How many words is the appeal essay? Thx

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Any other waitlisted students get invited to open house?


waitlist here, also got invited


Me as well. I think all waitlists received the email