Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2022

Have any software engineering transfers heard back yet? Haven’t seen an SE decision on any thread yet. From what it seems, SE didn’t hear until close to the deadline last year. Wondering if thats the case again this year.

Still wondering why cal poly is being so late on decisions. Still trying to understand if there is going to be another wave of acceptances before decisions. Admissions officers keep making it sound like there will be. Also, can decisions be released on the weekends?

I wonder ab the weekends too, the verbiage I’ve heard them use really sounds like a significant amount more is coming.

Nope, nothing yet.

The list I provided above (Message #832) gives 3 years worth of decisions regarding weekdays/ weekends.
However, nothing has been consistent so anything is possible.


Haven’t been following the thread. Had no idea admissions started rolling out already. Still awaiting a decision.
3.93 applying to statistics.

Me neither

still no financial aid package :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


nope ):


Ditto & did FAFSA in Oct. Expecting Cal Grant so waiting…

Maybe this will help you search for scholarships.

Thank you!

same here! my cal grant just says awaiting processing haha, I feel like i am just waiting on everything

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same here! I’m also waiting for sdsu to give me my financial aid package

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I heard with sdsu they said that financial aid packages should be out by early april so the dates seem to be lining up cal poly’s dates of having all financial aid packages done before april 1


@CalPolySL0 Do you think the Open House is worth going to in person? I live 5 hours away. Is there any pertinent information that I will be missing if I don’t go?

I also live about five hours away so I’m doing the virtual open house

I hope you’re right, I heard someone said mid april for sdsu. I would really like to get financial aid packages from both before I make a decision even though I’m leaning towards slo


If you’re already committing to Cal Poly, you don’t need to go to Open House.
I attended virtually & loved it because I could click different events that I wanted to attend & be there in an instant. If I listened to an event for 5 minutes & realized that I wasn’t interested in the topic, I could click to another event. In-person, you’ll never be able to race across campus to all these events.

But No - I didn’t need to go however, it did get me excited about going to Cal Poly. It’s basically a campus tour & talks about clubs. It tells you nothing about Fall classes though.

same here, nothing yet