Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2022

I got into Cal Poly SLO for Fall 2020.

Ask any questions - I’m not sure if they’re requiring the Supplemental application this year. They didn’t last year due to COVID but did the year before in 2020.
If so, it’s incredibly important to fill out correctly. It will be released at the beginning of January & due January 31st.

Decisions came out March 17, 2021 & March 16, 2020 even though they officially say April 1st.
Major: Business Administration
GPA: 3.73
AS-T: Yes
Pre-reqs: None remaining after applying in November
Golden Four: A, A, A, A
Local: No
21+ hours of work/volunteer hours per week
Leaderships positions: Yes

Heres my stats

Major: Business Administration
GPA: 4.00
AS-T: Yes
Pre-reqs: 3 but will be finished by end of spring 22
Golden Four: A, A, A, A
Local: No
21+ hours of work/volunteer hours per week
Leaderships positions: No
Veteran: Yes

Major: Statistics
GPA: 3.95
AS-T: Math
Pre-reqs: All
Golden Four: A, A, A, A
Local: No
21+ hours of work/volunteer hours per week
Leaderships positions: No

I wonder what my chances for admission are.

Major: Business Admin
GPA: 3.94
AS-T: Business Admin and Economics
Pre-reqs: All will be completed by the end of the Spring semester
Golden Four: A,A,A,A
Local: No
21+ hours of work/volunteer hours per week
More than 25% of work is major-related
Leadership positions: Yes

How many Prereqs do you have remaining during Spring semester?

That’s what the colleges are taking a gamble on since decisions are made in the middle of the Spring semester so they have to predict what your grades will be in those Prereqs.

Just two!

Good luck to everyone, hope this is a good year for transfer admissions! :slight_smile:

Major: Environmental Protection and Management
GPA: 3.85
Pre-reqs: All but one completed (oral communication) + all desired (minus 2) completed
Golden Four: IP, A, A, A
Local: No
15-20 hours of work per week
More than 25% work major related
21+ hours of volunteer work per week
Leadership positions: Yes

Major: Psychology
GPA: 3.8
Pre-reqs: All completed
Golden Four: A, A, A, A
Local: No
21+ hours of work per week
21+ hours of volunteer work per week (major related)
Leadership positions: No

Major: Political Science
GPA: 4.0
AA-T: Yes
Pre-reqs: Complete
Golden Four: A,A,A,A
Local: No (San Diego)
21+ hours of work/volunteer hours per week (not related to major)
Leadership positions: No

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Compared to other years ( especially last year) this forum/s are really not that active… I am assuming there are not that many aplicants this year (both freshman and transfers) … I can even imagine the reason, since last 2 years of record breaking aplication amounts to Calpoly SLO , CPP and CSULB and as much of record breaking denials of highly qualified candidates… thus the cumulative disappointment this year must be also record breaking, I guess…

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While I agree that these forums seem less active this year, I predict the UCLAs, SDSUs, CPSLOs, UCSBs will again have record applications this season. As for why CC seems less active, I don’t know. Perhaps Reddit leakage or other forums. Remember, MySpace dominated the social media world for a short time before Zuckerberg screwed over his best friends and dorm mates.

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thats what I am thinking, I think many people are just not informed that there is a website where you can come on to and post stats, I only just found out about these forums in in september of last year or when ever my account was made haha.

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College confidential used to be more user friendly. They updated it a couple years ago (after my older child applied) and ever since then it hasn’t been the same. It is far more clunky, it seems like you have to have an account and be signed in to view the posts now, ads pop up, etc. I suspect that is what tanked the number of postings. It is a bummer because it used to be soooo much better.


Here are my stats

Major: Construction Management
GPA: 3.45
Pre-reqs: finished
Desired: missing 2
Units: 99
Golden Four: A, A, A, A
Local: yes (Allan Hancock)
21+ hours of work/volunteer hours per week
Leaderships positions: Yes
Veteran: Yes, USAF

Good luck to all you guys!


Have any transfer students heard back from Cal poly? Recreation, parks and tourism major applicant here.

Nope, nothing yet…




My son was also an RPTA transfer in 2020 and he didn’t hear until mid-March. Transfers usually hear after freshman and those acceptances haven’t started going out yet.

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Do I have any chance for business admin transfer with a 3.2?
Golden 4 A A B B
Thank you