Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2022

This is perfectly normal for Financial Aid to still not be released. Financial Aid will mostly likely be released this Monday - 1 week after acceptance.

But you’re certainly welcome to call them.

Okaaay people, just couple of days left till April 1st, the official due date for EVERYTHING, according to SLO admissions office own words… just for sake of curiosity, what’s going to happen in those couple of days that left, are they going to release all the 60,000 decisions that left all at same time ? …

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have your transcripts been removed from your todo list?

I sent my transcripts through Parchment the day I got accepted (3/21) and received email confirmation that they have been downloaded a couple of days after that, but they have not been removed from my to-do list with the exception of one, I think? It got updated from Transcript to Final Transcript because I have courses in progress from that college.

It’s pretty normal for the to-do list update to lag behind what they’ve actually processed. The same happened after I got accepted into Cal Poly Pomona: transcripts were received by the college and the to-do list took a few days to reflect that.

interesting, I sent them in on 3/22 electronically and received a confirmation that they were received but they have still not been removed or changed into final transcript. I am thinking I should send a paper copy as well if something is not changed this week

If you’ve received an email confirmation, that means that the college has your transcripts in their possession, barring any weird error happening. If you’re concerned about them getting processed, I believe you can just give admissions a call and ask for confirmation that their office has received them. And honestly, I would trust paper copies to get to the college wayyy less than electronic ones. So much can go wrong there.

Nope still waiting

I called admissions about my electronic transcript because it said that Cal Poly received them and I just wanted to make sure, and the lady said that they have it in their system and that it would take about a week for it to reflect on my portal.


darn lol just paid 8$ for them to send it via mail oh well haha

My conditional admission requires me too pass chemistry with at least a C. If I failed somehow this spring, would I be fine to complete it and pass over summer before going there in Fall?

That would be something you would need to contact SLO admissions and ask. There is a reason that your admission is provisional and not meeting the requirements could mean your acceptance is rescinded.

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still no financial aid :dotted_line_face:


I keep asking this I’m sorry! Has anyone heard back (or heard about others hearing back) on architecture?

From what I am aware, there has not been another wave of acceptances. I anticipate there to be another this week, best of luck.


i fear I’m going crazy waiting for a decision


Me too. With no news today that leaves 4 days.

I got mine back but I didn’t get any scholarships. Maybe you have scholarships coming!

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Did you get yours today?

:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: Im hoping so haha