Cal Poly SLO Transfer Thread for Fall 2022

That is exactly what I say after checking my admission status every time ))))

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my required immunization’s due date is December 16, 2024… I won’t be there then lol so does that mean I don’t have to get the ones that I have left?

Call their Health Services: (805)-756-1211
They had me blocked from attending unless I showed an immunization from 1957 when I wasn’t even born yet. I called & they said the computer did it automatically & they overrode it.

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just got my financial aid package earlier this morning, no cal poly scholars LMAOOOOOOO :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: like bruh 4.00 GPA and 0 efc if im not getting it who is?

That’s disappointing - I thought for sure you’d get Cal Poly Scholars.
You can always email them asking for a review.

Christina Sholars handles Transfer students.

I’m sorry to hear that, I was hoping you would get it. I just checked my financial aid and I didn’t get any scholarships sadly


There are more scholarships out there than only Cal Poly’s scholarships.

I don’t think Cal Grant A or Cal Grant B posted. Did anyone get the Middle Class Scholarship?

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Middle Class scholarship funds will normally not be available until August.

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same, mine is still awaiting processing on CSAC i believe once they process it then cal poly will receive it.


same this sucks, seems CP really catered towards freshman for FA

@CalPolySL0 I just booked an appointment w her aswell thanks hoping they could relook at my app. nvm im not in person lmao I booked an appointment w the assistant director.

Still no word for SE, if I’m gonna be rejected why not tell me already

ahh, same here, seeing the same status message for 6 months drives me nuts already… why do they enjoy this physiological torture so much I’ll never understand.


Have we seen anyone receive the Cal Poly Scholars invite? Thinking it is email?

an email too but it is also on your scholarship aid, I just reached out to cp scholars email and they said my name wasnt on the list :sleepy:

How do we know if we need to send “in progress” transcripts?

It will tell you in their email they sent informing you of their offer. It has a list of rules.

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Update >>> ““You have been placed on the waitlist at Cal Poly for fall””… Software Engineering.

Waitlisted for biz admin