Cal State San Marcos Nursing

Hi, I recently got accepted into the pre-nursing program at CSUSM. Should I attend this school? Do they have a good Nursing program that will allow me to get a job after college? What was your experience like at CSUSM?

Cal State San Marcos has incredibly impressive NCLEX pass rates of 96% in 2013/14 & 97% in 2014/15. Their nursing program is relatively new but the pass rates are higher than UCLA or UCI. But, be aware that it is not a direct admit nursing program and there will be a secondary application before actually being accepted into the nursing program after prerequisites are completed. You will have to call CSSMU to find out more info because it is not on the website [ie. how many nursing openings with how many anticipated applicants - required GPA etc.] As a BSN nursing grad, your chances of getting a nursing job are better than associate degree grads. The only negative I have heard about CSSMU is that there is not a dining common and students must cook for themselves or eat out all the time. I would think that a dining common would be high on the list of priorities for the university, but it is the newest Cal State campus and new buildings are still under construction.

Here are the CA NCLEX rates: