Calc is Senior Year?/Freshman Schedule

<p>Don't give me any crap for this but i'm a freshman and was wondering about Calculus in senior year? Is that expected by most big schools? Because, i'm taking Honors Algebra2 /Trig as a freshman. Which means i would hit Calc by senior year, but i was wondering, what comes after calc? What would the typical course be for an upperclassmen who has completed calculus. </p>


<p>yours looks like mine,, assuming that you pass each class</p>

<p>10th grade- precalc
11th- calc
12th- nothing. (thank god for only 3 years of mathematics)</p>

<p>That'll be mine, Idk about yours.</p>

<p>Technically, you only need 3 years of math to graduate (lat least for me and most of the general high school curriculum), and I'm already done (algebra I, Geometry, Trig), so I don't have to take any math from this year (10th grade), but my counselor made me...</p>

<p>I hate it; I was going to drop precalc for a relaxing elective, but no...math is "necessary".</p>

<p>A few kids at my HS did BC calc junior year, then multivariable calc through distance learning the next year</p>

<p>at our school, between algebra 2/trig we have a course called discrete which is like stats. so i'd want to take precalc in a summer course, calc junior year, and ..... senior year. </p>

<p>i want to get into financial services so impressive math is essential</p>

<p>My S took AP Calc BC as a sophomore. This year, he's taking an on line class in linear algebra. His senior year he'll likely take an on line class in multivariable calc.</p>

<p>I'm taking AP Calculus BC as a sophomore this year. I'm applying to my state's magnet.</p>

<p>Possible post-BC courses:</p>

<p>Linear Algebra
Differential Equations
Multivariable Calculus
Number Theory

<p>At my school after AP Calc BC you take Multivariable Calculus as a senior but if you take it has a sophomore like me you can then continue on to Linear Algebra.and if you finish all those then you have a variety of options like Differential Equations, Modern Algebra, and Real Analysis. Look at this:EPGY</a> Frequently Asked Questions</p>

<p>Personally i'm taking:</p>

<p>AP Calc BC-->Multivariable Calc-->Linear Algebra-->Real Analysis. With some Number Theory and Logic courses on the side.</p>

<p>ok, thanks</p>

<p>yes I am currently a senior and taking epgy multivariable calc (but i would not recommend it lol)</p>

<p>^why wouldn't you recommend it?</p>

<p>well umm the teaching sucks... basically they ask you questions without ever explaining the basics first and expect you to understand it</p>

<p>AP Calc BC as a sophomore.</p>

<p>You must not get out much.</p>

<p>^That's not true. There are loads of people taking AP Calc BC as a sophomore and not all of them don't have lives....</p>

<p>I'm taking:</p>

<p>10th: AP Calc BC, Multivariable Calculus
11th: AP Stats, Linear Equations, Ordinary Differential Equations
12th: Being a little too optimistic, but I really want to take 51h at Stanford...</p>

<p>^Why are you taking Multivariable at Stanford in Senior year? Wouldn't you have already taken it?</p>

<p>meadow if this was directed at me... senior year in high school (and its online)</p>

<p>my school actually offers multivaraible calculus and differential equations so that works out</p>

AP Calc BC as a sophomore


<p>I think I've spent 2 hours on BC a week lately...</p>

<p>AP Physics B, on the other hand, is not treating me so well... especially with the 72 assignments I've now completed for it. /rant</p>

<p>at my school the courses offered are
algebra 1 honors/reg
geometry honors/reg
algebra 2 honors/reg
trig/precalc honors/reg
calc ab
calc bc</p>

<p>technically after algebra 2 if you go into precalc, you’ll then hit calc ab for junior year and then bc for senior. if not, you can probably do ap stats or something.</p>

<p>yeah, the highest for us is Calc AB/BC, honestly, I haven’t heard of any of these other math classes till I signed up on CC. I guess our school isn’t special, lol</p>