Calculus (Math 1205) Teachers

<p>Any Math 1205 teachers that you could recommend? Is Jessica Kline a good teacher, because that's who I have right now.</p>


<p>I don’t know about Jessica Kline, but don’t get Zweisler. Most horrible teacher I’ve ever had.</p>

<p>A lot of the early math instructors are not very good(foreign, hard to understand, not good at explaining, tough graders and exams ect), although lately I’ve had a lot of good math instructors. For 1205 (way back in the day) I had Mcquain which I believe may still be teaching 1205. Not sure, but she was alright. A lot of my peers didn’t like her but I thought she was nice but tough too. She’d help you if you went to office hours but if you had no Calculus in HS then it will be pretty tough. She’s more theoretical about it than practical if that makes sense. Other than that, I just use google and srefook(backwards) to search for ratings especially with math instructors. It’s hard because a lot of times you won’t know who you have until the week of classes and it’s often tough to switch sections.</p>

<p>I currently have Yu Ran as my instructor for 1205. I can’t find any reviews or other information about them. Does anybody have experience with this instructor?</p>

<p>I have no real information about your topic, but calculus in all honesty, can be taught through the internet and (mostly) without at teacher. As long as you know the topic, and I’m assuming 1205 is entry level calculus, you can typically use and to teach you. That’s the way I passed calculus in high school since I zoned out in class so often.</p>

<p>Someone told me she is pretty good teacher for 1205.</p>

<p>To add to an earlier post and in all honesty, youtube got me through most of my calc classes (patrickJMT, khanacademy, bullcleo1) and MIT has some lectures online too. There’s tons of others as well. They really help fill in the gaps or anything you missed. I wouldn’t say substitute it but I’ve had some terrible instructors and the books can be hard to understand so I just turn to the internet. It’s much easier to learn that way for me too.</p>